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我呢,我没有。I have none.

她没有奶奶。She has none.

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一点都不剩了。There's none left.

我没有和任何人争过。I strove with none.

没有人诅咒沙皇。None curse the Czar.

没有人则声。None uttered a word.

在无人知晓的时候。When none will know.

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他们都没笑。None of them laughed.

不关你事。None of your beeswax.

没有人能够超过他。None could outgun him.

所有这些指责全是假的。None of these is true.

别胡说八道了!None of your nonsense!

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没有人对我垂怜。None alive will pity me.

煊“恐怕毫无机会。”I am afraid, none at all.

而Noboko并没有这些难题。Nabokov has none of that.

几乎一个没剩。There's almost none left.

这不关您的事儿!Itas none of your venture!

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这些钱中没有一文是我的。None of the money is mine.

没有一条边是直的。None of them are straight.

这是我们谁也没料想到。We none of us expected it.