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我想后藤先生在等我吧。I believe Mr. Goto is expecting me.

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避免使用GOTO语句来改善可读性Avoid using GOTO statement to improve readability.

随后深入剖析OLSR路由协议核心工作原理。Then we will goto the core working principle of OLSR.

后藤先生马上就过来,他一直都在等你。Mr. Goto will be here shortly. He's been expecting you.

你延缓哲夫小谷是个无知的笨蛋,想把核废物浇到你的头上吗?Tetsuo Kotani is an uneducated moron, did the nuclear waste goto your head?

请先坐一下,我通知后藤先生您来了。Please make yourself comfortable and I'll inform Mr. Goto that you are there.

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发现自己对陶瓷雕塑有极大的兴趣,有机会我会去景德镇的工作室去亲身实践的。I found a lot of interested in ceramics. Maybe someday I will goto Jingde Town.

本文通过将跑位和截球动作结合,设计出较为有效的截球模块。We fit the goto action and intercept action together to design an efficient intercept model.

举例来说,程序设计人员不久了解到,出于此原因,要避免令人畏惧的“goto”语句。For example, programmers soon learned to avoid the dreaded "goto" statement for just this reason.

叮当猫公司的山本后藤说,多数顾客都是幻想驾驭自己的英雄机器人的男性。Most customers, says Yamato Goto of Robot Okoku, are men who had fantasies of piloting their hero robots.

对了,后藤先生要给您这份小纪念品和小册子,以作为您这次来访的记念。By the way, mr. Goto would like to present you with this small memento and brochure to remember your visit by.

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我认为,你们必须去达姆施塔特,因为那里有一所杰出的理工学院。"In my opinion you must definitely goto Darmstadt. They have a good Polytechnic School. "---Albert Einstein 1919

我们已经说过,房间是事先预定了的,所以他只要到派里尼老板的旅馆去就得了。An apartment, as we have said, had been retained beforehand, and thus he had but to goto Signor Pastrini's hotel.

对于那些在正寻找极移发生的时间线索,以及探寻什麽时候去安全之地的人,地球朝左边倾斜就是线索。For those looking for clues as to timing, for when to goto safe locations, a strong Lean to the Left is the clue.

后藤新平亦因此而跻身于日本政治统治的核心,成为日本殖民统治的行政权威。Goto Shimpei also became the key figure in Japanese political circles, and the authority in Japanese colonial rule.

朋友们说后藤从东京出发至伊斯坦布尔,并从那里启程去叙利亚,10月25日还发送消息说他已穿过边境,一切安全。Friends say Goto travelled from Tokyo to Istanbul and from there to Syria, sending a message on Oct 25 that he had crossed the border and was safe.

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我有一个雅观的红色铅笔盒,里里有三支钢笔,两支铅笔,一块橡皮战两把尺子。每天早上,正在我上教之前,我把它放进单肩背包里。I have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens, two pencils, a rubber and two rulers. Every morning before I goto school I put it into my backpack.

我要去找为为了他们神明牺牲的男人,我想问他我做什么才能忏悔我的罪恶,并将我的生命交给他们的神明。I’m going to goto the person who was sacrificing to their God, and I will ask him what I cando to repent. Then, I will do my best in the new land of Israel.

Overture过去以GoTo.com为人所知,它认为单凭金钱就能够解决搜索结果中的垃圾信息问题,因此在搜索大战中彻底落败。Overture, which used to be known as, lost the search war inno small part because it thought that money alone could solve theproblem of spam in search results.