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乔是个真正的朋友。Joe is a true pal.

你真够朋友。You’re a real pal.

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山田是我的笔友。Yamada is my pen pal.

拜托啦,萨拉,看在朋友份上。Come on, Sara. Be a pal.

身边有男同性恋朋友吗?Had a close gay male pal?

我想要一位在日本的笔友。Iwant a pen pal in Japan.

现在小花是我的好伙伴。Now, Spot is my best pal.

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想要一个朋友,一个伙伴。To have a friend -- a pal.

一整天他都要和他的笔友去钓鱼。He is with his pen pal day.

很抱歉我又数落你了,伙计。I'm sorry to ride you, pal.

我很想念你--我现在一个朋友也没有。I miss you -- I've no pal now.

读好了,你喜欢么,朋友?Well, how do you like it, pal?

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在你的梦里。Yeah right. In your dreams pal.

我住在加拿大多伦多市,我想在中国找一个笔友。And I want a pen pal in England.

我真的想交一个中国的笔友。I really want a Chinese pen pal.

我和网友通过邮件联系。I connect with my net pal bye-mail.

我正在给我的笔友写信。I’m writing a letter to my pen pal.

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这是柏朗亚高永远的信条。This is "PAL ONGACO" credo forever.

我为什么不可以参加仙剑?Why can't I participate in the PAL?

有个“笔友”真好!How nice it is to have a "pen pal" !