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房地产开发企业会计。Accounting of real estate ent.

就像是拍摄另一部电影。It was like shooting a differ ent movie.

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我是大卫·贝克,耳鼻喉科专家。I am David Baker, and I'm an expert on ENT.

比尔是一个好学生,也是个聪明的孩子。Bill is a good student and an int ellig ent boy.

现在,还感到厌烦,真实的是我喜欢吃鱼。Now, still tired, It's truth that I like to ent fish.

她造了一座佛像,贴满金箔,走到哪里都带着它。Wherever she ent she carried this golden Buddha with her.

淘汰的主要原因是五官科疾病、外科疾病。The main causes of drop out were ENT and surgical diseases.

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马尔他,马尔他大学医学院,耳鼻喉外科。ENT Surgery, the Medical School, University of Malta, Malta.

除1例外,另159例耳鼻咽喉专科改装体检飞行合格。Except 1 case, 159 pilots were qualified in the ENT evaluation.

浙江-江苏耳鼻喉医院主页浙江-江苏耳鼻喉医院治鼻炎好不好?Shanghai fuda ear nose and throat hospital is Shanghai ENT specialist hospital.

使用方向键卷动至“扫描存储“应用程序并按ENT键。Scroll to the Scan and Store application using the direction keys and press ENT.

方法择期耳鼻喉手术患儿60例,随机分为3组,每组20例。Methods60 children of ENT surgery were divided into 3 groups randomly, each 20 cases.

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目的观察家兔面神经急性损伤后髓鞘和轴索的组织病理变化。Objective To investigate histopathological changes of acute facial nerve im pairm ent.

目的探讨心理护理对围手术期耳鼻咽喉患者的影响。Objective To explore the psychological care of the perioperative effects of ENT patients.

在新鲜尸体样本上所作的验证性试验表明该系统适用于计算机辅助耳鼻喉科手术。Preliminary results on cadaver specimen show the system is suited for clinical ENT surgery.

耳鼻喉疾病。我正在田纳西州林肯学院从事耳鼻喉方面的研究。Illnesses of the ear, nose and throat. I'm doing research in ENT at Lincoln College in Tennessee.

“现在我明白了,”贝克博士说,“彼得·贝克博士是DNA方面的专家,而我是ENT专家。”"Now I understand! "said Dr Baker. "Dr Peter Baker is an expert on DNA, and I'm an expert on ENT.

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关于主要法律的委员会报告单独公布在政府印刷所。Committee reports for major legislation are published separately by the Government Printing Office. ent.

通过对定子电流进行细化频谱分析,可以准确识别转子断条等一类故障。Through the Zoom spectrum analysis of stator curr- ent. such defects as rotor bar break will be recognized.

本文就护士长应具备的素质,提高护士长素质的途径和方法,护理管理技巧进行了探讨。We talk about the basic diathesis of a head nurse, the ways of im proving diathesis and nursing m anagem ent skills.