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他们派了一位估价者去给房子估价。They sent a valuer to assess the value of the house.

比起成功你为什麽更在乎失败?Why do you valuer your failures more then your success?

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重点检查专职注册房地产估价师。Focus full-time registered real estate valuer inspection.

估价报告应当由知名的估价师出具。Valuation report should be obtained from a reputed valuer.

资产重估是由董事与输入从合格的估价师进行的。Asset revaluation is carried out by directors with input from qualified valuer.

由合资格的估价师以书面分析物业的估计值。A written analysis of the estimated value of a property prepared by a qualified valuer.

英国政府将按照一家独立评估机构确定的水平。The government will pay compensation to investors at a level determined by an independent valuer.

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估价师完成估价后,分行应当直接给该估价师写信要求取得估价报告。While getting the valuation done, the branch must write directly to the valuer seeking their valuation report.

如果判决违背政府,订出这些条款的独立资产评估师可能会被迫重新考虑这些条款。If judgment goes against the government, it would be forced to reconsider the terms set out to the independent valuer.

在信里应清楚地向估价师说明,他的估价报告同银行所作的决定之间有着重大的关系。It must be explicitly stated in the letter to the valuer that the report of the valuer will have a significant bearing on the decision of the Bank.

政府命令资产评估师在评估时,作这样的假定,即以其他方式把业务转入中央政府,这意味着那些股份将一文不值。The government instructed the valuer to assume that the business would have ­otherwise gone into administration, meaning that the shares would be worthless.

“历史上,我们知道拿破仑曾在1816年牙痛,病因诊断是坏血病引发口腔感染”,鉴价师克利斯.奥贝瑞说。"Historically, we know that Napoleon had had toothache in 1816 and this was put down to a mouth inflammation diagnosed as scurvy , " valuer Chris Albury said.

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拆迁估价由具有房地产价格评估资格的机构承担,估价报告必须由专职注册房地产估价师签字。Valuation of the property taken by the competent bodies to undertake the assessment of price, the valuation report must be full-time registered real estate valuer signature.

就理想状况而言,衡量企业价值的人员应该结合运用各种不同的方法,并研究或探讨各种方法所得到的结果是否有明显的矛盾。Each has its own merits in particular situations, and ideally a valuer should use a combination of methodologies and investigate and understand any apparent contradictions in the results.