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基督式的接待是敞开家门,以诚相待。Christlike hospitality is an open heart and an open home.

如耶稣一样的品格的发展不会停止。The development of Christlike character cannot be rushed.

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把你创造成耶稣的模样,这就是圣灵的工作。It is the Holy Spirit’s job to produce Christlike character in you.

若没有圣灵的能力,我们便不能更像基督。We do not become more Christlike without the divine power of God's Spirit.

我们会变得更像基督,并且希望在所做的一切事上分享神的爱。We become more Christlike and we want to share God's love in everything we do.

要知道,作为基督徒,你的做事方式就应该像个基督徒。Know that as a Christian, your destiny is to be Christlike in all of your ways.

我们之所以要在各方面活像基督,乃因神的恩典已临到我们身上。We are to behave in a Christlike way because of the grace of God which has come to us.

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你们的儿女们当受教怎样控制他们的脾气,培养一种可爱基督化的精神。Your children should be taught to control their tempers and to cultivate a loving, Christlike spirit.

我们的行为应当与我们的教义相符,我们的信仰必须有像基督的行为来支持。Our deeds must be consistent with our creeds, and our beliefs must be backed up with Christlike behavior.

有些信徒对其他信徒的态度,完全有违基督的教导,他们必须细读雅各书。Some talk about other Christians in ways that are not Christlike . They ought to read what James has written.

保罗更提醒我们,我们不但在性情上和基督相像,连我们身体的形状也和祂一样。And Paul reminds us that this similarity goes beyond a Christlike character to include even our physical bodies.

像督流浪满宗教渎圣象异堕落游荡。Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.

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一个长得像基督的流浪汉在一个充满宗教和渎圣景象的怪异堕落之地游荡。Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery.

圣灵其中一项工作,正是帮助信徒在苦难中保持忍耐,以及在苦难中学像基督。It is part of the work of the Holy Spirit to help us endure these occasions and to become more Christlike in them.

像基督那样地作决定,并倚靠他的灵来帮助你成就那些决定,其结果就是像基督了。Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on his Spirit to help you fulfill those choices.

以恩慈对待仇敌并不容易,但我们可以靠著居住在我们里面的圣灵,令自己更像基督。It's not easy to be kind to our enemies, but we can make good progress toward being Christlike in this life through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.

你已经允许让你生气的那个人控制你的生活,因为你的反应,是你弱点的表现,而宽恕,是一种基督力量的姿态。You have allowed the person you’re angry at to gain control of your life because you are reacting, which is a position of weakness, as opposed to forgiving, which is a position of Christlike strength.