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轮回盘?有什么讲究吗?Transmigration plate? How does it work?

轮回它磨灭不了我对你的爱。Transmigration it erase my love for you.

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灾岁月悳轮回中流成河。Transmigration midstream Cheng He in years.

别在我坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路!Don't in my grave and cry, dirty I transmigration of road!

是宿命的悲,还是轮回的痛。Is the fate of the tragedy, or transmigration of the pain.

约史雅在巴比伦流徙期间生耶苛尼雅和他的兄弟们。And Josias begot Jechonias and his brethren in the transmigration of Babylon.

曾经沉睡的野孩子在潮流轮回间再次碰触了梦中的世界。Wild Child has been sleeping touched the world in dream in the transmigration again.

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不像我们的肉身是有生有死,不断地在轮回之中徘徊。It is not like our flesh body that has birth and death and lingers in transmigration.

轮回作为无意识的命运,是难以改变的,由此产生了周作人的悲观。As an unconscious destiny, transmigration is unchangeable, on which Zhou Zuoren's pessimism forms.

一些犹太教学派相信灵魂的轮回、转世。Certain schools of thought within Judaism believe in the transmigration of souls, or reincarnation.

他们都或多或少忘了这些众生仍在轮迴中而需要他们所在层次的帮助。Somehow, they forgot that all those beings are still in transmigration and need help at their level.

另外一些、无论直接还是间接相信灵魂的人,可能是从印度人那里学到了轮回的理论。others believed that, either directly or indirectly, they learned the theory of transmigration from India.

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魔是维系万物在有色世界中不断轮回的一股力量,更是阻碍万物不得顺利进入涅盘界的障碍。It is the power to maintain everything staying in transmigration and to obstruct everything from entering nirvana.

在轮回之轮上的第十殿,是灵魂的惩罚结束之后,再次转世投胎。In the tenth is the Wheel of Transmigration where souls are released to be reincarnated again after their punishment is completed.

生命在轮回中不断转换,任何角色下回都有可能由我们来扮演,这就是天均的道理。Life keeps switching in transmigration. It is very possible for us to play any role, which is the principle of "The Change of Nature".

钱钟书的化境说建立在中国传统译论基础之上,同时深受中国传统美学思想的滋养。Qian Zhongshu's principle of "transmigration", which inherits the traditional aesthetic thought, is based on the traditional translation theories.

本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。Yan Zhitui's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence, the origin and fate of the empty spirit, and transmigration.

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假如轮回之说不假,下世侥幸依然投胎为人,很少男人情感下世做女人的。If transmigration were true so that they could be lucky enough to be reincarnated as humans, few of them would choose to be women m their next life.

我们发现,在希腊哲学家中,毕达哥拉斯和柏拉图以及他们的追随者相信灵魂轮回或转生。Among the Greek philosophers we find that Pythagoras, Plato and their followers believed in this theory of Metempsychosis or Transmigration of souls.

色心起轮回停杀心起轮回滞妒心起轮回裂贱心起轮回碎天道路,何其难?Center play cycle stop killing the heart from samsara lag jealousy heart from transmigration reincarnation split up your broken Days Road, so difficult?