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系塔塔尔族人士于1897年。Department of Tatar people in 1897.

给鞑靼人造成伤亡的是之一是著名的鞑靼指挥官图哈依·拜阵亡。One of the casualties was the famous Tatar commander Tuhaj-bej.

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有时也用鞑靼泛称中国北方各民族。Sometimes also used the Pan- Tatar said all ethnic groups in northern China.

阻卜与鞑靼之谜堪称一道世纪难题。The questions arising round Zubu and Tatar may be called a puzzle of the last century.

“萨班节”是塔塔尔族特有的传统节日,蕴含着丰富的文化内涵。Saban festival is only celebrated joyously by Tatar people and has plentiful cultural connotations.

原来的修道院建于十四世纪初期,1439年遭鞑靼人洗劫。The original monastery was built in the early 14th century, but was sacked by Tatar forces in 1439.

最近的台子上坐着一个鞑靼人,从扔在旁边的制服看来,大概是一个哥萨克。On the table nearest sat a Tatar , probably of a Cossack regiment, judging from the uniform that had been thrown down close by.

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戴眼镜的医生做完了鞑靼人的手术,给他盖上军大衣,擦着手,走到安德烈公爵跟前。Having finished with the Tatar , over whom a cloak was thrown, the doctor in spectacles came up to Prince Andrey, wiping his hands.

这里有建于14世纪,极富特色的谢尔盖三圣修道院,这是当年俄军出征鞑靼前接受祝福的地方。Here are dates back to the 14th century, the three features, this holy monastery sergey was Russian squad before the blessing tatar.

当1632年4月,他陪同新的鞑靼大使努尔阿里·敖格兰返回斯德哥尔摩时,古斯塔夫国王已经离开,赶赴战场。When in April 1632 he returned to Stockholm accompanied by the new Tatar ambassador Nurali Oghlan, the King had already left for the war.

塔塔尔族在信仰伊斯兰教之前,和大多数突厥语民族一样,也曾经存在过各种形式的原始崇拜。Before becoming Muslims, the Tatar people, like most of the Turkic-speaking peoples, once believed in various forms of the original worship too.

14世纪,鞑靼人与金帐汗国关系密切并改信伊斯兰教,后来金帐汗国分裂为几个独立的鞑靼汗国。Especially identified with the golden horde they were converted to islam in the14th century. the golden horde soon became independent tatar khanates.

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本文从塔塔尔族的民族概况入手,分五个章节阐述塔塔尔族的原始崇拜。The paper starts with the profile of the Tatar nationality. It is divided into five sections to describe the original worship of the Tartar nationality.

早在1709年8月,汗提议提供查理一支人数高达4万骑兵的鞑靼护卫队,陪同他从土耳其经波兰到瑞典的波美拉尼亚。Already in August 1709 the Khan offered Charles a Tatar escort of up to 40 thousand horsemen which would accompany him from Turkey via Poland to Swedish Pomerania.

论文第一章梳理了塔塔尔族的历史沿革、分布格局及其节日,重点介绍了奇台县大泉塔塔尔民族乡的概况。The first part comb out the history, district, festival of Tatar minority and introduce mainly Qitai county Daquan countryside, which is named Tatar minority countryside.

包括保加尔和库普切克的贵族家族在内的金帐汗国的军事贵族在同一时间形成,呈现出新的鞑靼社会意识。The military nobility of the golden horde which consisted of bulgar and kupchak aristocracy clans was formed at the same time presenting a type of new tatar community consciousness.

拉赫玛尼诺夫出生于俄国的诺夫果罗德附近奥乃基的瑟基的一个世袭的贵族家庭,这个贵族在16世纪服务与俄国沙皇。Rachmaninov was born in Semyonovo, near Novgorod in north-western Russia, into a noble family of Tatar descent, who had been in the service of the Russian tsars since the 16th century.

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较之其他民族而言,学术界对于塔塔尔族文化的现有研究很少,因而此课题具有较高的研究价值。As such a small nationality, there is little existing research about the academic culture of the Tatar compared with the other ethnic groups. Thus, the present study has great significance.

从他用以操作的那只穿着绣有银线的鞑靼式的皮靴的不大的脚来看,从青筋赤露、肌肉萎缩的手上磨出的硬皮来看,公爵还具有精神充沛的老人的百折不回的毅力和极大的耐力。The movements of the prince's small foot in its Tatar , silver-embroidered boot, the firm pressure of his sinewy, lean hand, showed the strength of vigorous old age still strong-willed and wiry.