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他有模仿能力。He has mimetic ability.

这事模仿行为的产物。This is a product of mimetic conduct.

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象声词是汉语词库中独具魅力的一类词。Mimetic word has its special glamour in Chinese vocabulary.

模仿的运动或者动作是你模仿的事物之一。Mimetic movements or activities are ones in which you imitate something.

拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇的突出特征。Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of Japanese vocabulary.

低模仿的出现促使近代长篇小说基本成型。The appearance of low mimetic promotes the basic form of novels in modern times.

对仿细胞膜结构表面改性研究及应用的前景做了展望。Finally, the prospects of the research and application of membrane mimetic surfaces are suggested.

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研究表明,这些仿酶化合物和仿酶体系能有效地降解木素。The research results showed that these bio- mimetic compounds and systems could effectively degrade lignin.

第一个是,从人生的早期开始,我们绝大多数人都是条件反射性的受模仿欲望驱使。The first is that the vast majority of us act out of mimetic desire as if by reflex, starting early in life.

他们在这篇史诗虚构的模仿得来的,内容中具有极大的现实意义,他们是天使。They have a substantial reality within the fictional context, the mimetic context, of this epic. These are angels.

结果①首次对少数国人与鼻唇沟区域相关的各表情肌逐块进行长、宽、厚的显微解剖测量。Results ①The data about the length, width and thickness of each mimetic muscle were obtained and presented in the paper.

纳米颗粒金能提高视黄醛仿生膜的光电响应电流和寿命。Photoelectric current and lifetime of vision mimetic retinal membrane has also been much improved by addition of nanometer particles.

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酶催化反应和酶模拟的研究是“超分子化学”、“仿生化学”等热门课题的重要研究内容。Enzymatic reaction and mimetic enzyme are the most important issues in the pop field such as supramolecular chemistry and biomimetic chemistry.

连接蛋白拟似肽和连接蛋白渗透示踪分子过去常用来检测不成对半通道连接蛋白的存在和功能。Connexin mimetic peptides and connexin permeable tracer molecules were used to gage the presence and function of unpaired connexin hemichannels.

无论再现论还是表现论的文艺观念,都肯定文艺活动的想象性质,并试图在此基础上理解文艺活动的区别特征。Both Mimetic theory and Expressive Theory affirm that literature is a kind of imagination, which makes literature differ from the other human activity.

脂质体具有与细胞膜相似的封闭双层结构,是接近天然生物膜的理想模型。Liposome has similar lipid bilayer structure and fluid characteristics to real cell membrane, and plays an important role in mimetic biomembrane research.

当今社会,新闻传播所创造的“拟态环境”是人们认识和理解现实世界的主要途径之一。In recent society, the"mimetic environment"created by the diffusion of news is one of the main ways for people to recognize and understand the outside world.

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而「式」、「形式」、「招式」这些都是空间性的事物,这些都可以看作是无活性的「过去」存在,属于再现体系的事物,作为法则,提供典范,成为「教」与「学」的模拟再制之用。"Form" is mainly defined in spatial terms, as a representation of the inactive past and a pedagogical paradigm for the mimetic reproduction of body movements.

在比较诗学发生和发展的过程中,主要产生过模仿主义理论、实用主义理论、表现主义理论和客观主义理论四大基本理论。In the process in which comparative poetics originates and develops four basic theories have emerged, namely mimetic , pragmatic, expressive and objective theories.

事实上,往往只有模拟的程序,被用来拆解或扩散一致性。这种一致性在不同向度的意象的书是司空见惯的。In fact, these are more often than not merely mimetic procedures used to disseminate or disperse a unity that is retained in a different dimension for an image-book.