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组氨酸是含咪唑核的碱性氨基酸。L-histidine is an alkalescence amino acid with an imidazole group.

版基上的冷敏涂层干不朱,并且不溶于碱性药火。On the base of the thermal coating, and insoluble in alkalescence.

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确认基面强度、平整度、酸碱性、含水率是否达到规定标准。Confirm the intensity , smooth level, acidity and alkalescence , containing water.

在干燥空气中会风化,在潮湿空气中易氧化成棕黄色碱式硫酸铁。Easily airslake in dry air, it is easy to oxidize to brown yellow alkalescence ferric sulphate.

“基因蓝”草具有很强的耐寒性、耐旱性、耐瘠薄性和耐盐碱性,是一种新型地被植物。Festuca cinerea glauca is a new specie of lawn with strong resistance to cold, drought, barren and salt alkalescence.

研究了选用10X型分子筛脱除硫醇,草酸脱除碱性氮,同时用天然活性白土脱色。Studying on 10X type molecular sieve to remove mercaptan, oxalic acid to remove alkalescence nitrogen and decolour with nature active clay were conducted.

据检测,“泉是从花岗岩层中流出,含有多种矿物质,富含氧离子呈弱碱性”。According to one assessment, "the spring flows from the granitic layer, containing various minerals and rich in oxygenic ion thus presenting alkalescence."

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所以,上光产品的制卡和会员卡制作油墨应选用耐醇类、酯类溶剂和耐酸碱性的。Therefore, glazing products business card printing and membership card making ink advised the dibenzylidene resistance, solvents and acidproof alkalescence.

另外,侧柏林下土壤呈酸性,而杂木林和刺槐林下土坡呈碱性。Besidea, the soil under the Platycladus orientalis Plantation Forests partial to acidity while the soil under the Secondary Forest and Robinia pseudoacacia partial to alkalescence.

介绍了层状硅酸盐结构重排、碱性水热体系合成、室温酸性体系合成、微波合成等介孔材料的合成技术,包括合成工艺和材料性能。Technologies such as rearrangement of layered silicates, hydrothermal synthesis under alkalescence system, room temperature synthesis in acid system and microwave method are introduced.

施用经筛选确定的两种改良剂,可有效遏制土壤继续向苏打化发展,降低土壤碱性,改善土壤理化性质,提高土壤肥力,进而可实现水稻增产的目的。Using the two assured modifying agent can hold back the sodic soil reduce alkalescence of soil increase physicochemical property of soil thereby it can achieve increasing production on rice.

茶水能在体内迅速被吸收和氧化,产生浓度较高的碱性代谢产物,从而能及时中和血液中的酸性代谢产物。Tea can speedily absorded and oxidated in humans' bodies, and then to produce the high concentration alkalescence metabolin thus being able to counteract the acid base metabolin in blood betimes.

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本发明的滤料用于活化水直饮水机,能够产生天然弱碱性活化水,满足人们对健康饮水的需要。The filter material is used for a direct water dispenser of the activated water, and can generate natural alkalescence activated water and meet the requirements of people on health drinking water.