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您乘的是中国民航1438航班。Your flight number is CAAC 1438.

中国民航购买了一台新电脑。A new computer has been bought by the CAAC.

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北京到广州是中国民航每天的定期航线。Beijing to Guangzhou is a daily airline of CAAC.

中国民航管理总局空中交通管理局技术中心。Air Traffic Management Technology Centre in CAAC.

中国民航飞往香港的208航班是在这儿办手续吗?Is this the right counter for CAAC Flight 208 to Hong Kong?

民航总局称,将不再批准新设航空公司的申请。The CAAC said it won't approve applications for new airlines.

中国民航向联想公司定购了一些新型电脑。The CAAC has ordered some new types of computers from Legend Company.

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你可以在**国际旅行社或**民航总局的任何分理处办理旅行安排。You can make your travel arrangement in any branch of the CITS or CAAC.

你可以在中国国际旅行社或中国民航总局的任何分理处办理旅行安排。You can make your travel arrangement in any branch of the CITS or CAAC.

申请和批准程序由中国民用航空局制定。The application and approval procedures shall be formulated by the CAAC.

秦刚指出,外交部已经向中国民航部门就此事进行了核实。He said that the foreign ministry have verified with CAAC on the affairs.

中国时报,中国民航杂志和机内读物及当地报纸。We have China Daily , CAAC Journals, in-Flight magazines, and the local newspapers.

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中国民航创造了许许多多个“史无前例”,搭建起一条“蓝天生命线”。CAAC has created dozens of "unprecedented" stories and set up a lifeline in the sky.

美国联邦航空局希望用中国民用航空总局的模式帮助印度安全地发展民航业。TheFAA wants to use the CAAC model to help India expand its aviationsafely. According to the FAA's Ms.

尽管如此,这还是引起了中国民用航空总局进行治理整顿。Nevertheless, it led to calls for a housecleaning at the Civil Aviation Administration of China, or CAAC.

由于有了这台新计算机,中国民航售票处前的旅客现在买飞机票比以前快多了。Thanks to the new computer, passengers at the offices of the CAAC can now buy their airplane tickets much faster.

自收到此正式通知起30日内,向中国民用航空局审查组提交改正措施报告。The corrective actions shall submit to CAAC audit team within 30 days since this formal notification being issued.

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编辑发行中国民航航机杂志、报纸、书册、班期时刻表等各种宣传品。Editing and publishing for the publication such as CAAC Inflight Magazine, newspaper, picture album, timetable , etc.

我是一个乐观自信的女孩,我对自己的未来充满信心并且坚信能在中国民航有很好的表现。I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence in a bright future, and i believe i can do well in CAAC.

由于航油价格持续上涨,国家发改委和民航总局决定再次上调“燃油附加费”。Since the cost for airline fuel oil is rising, the National Development and Reform Commission and CAAC once again raised fuel surcharges.