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可以说“城市”与“水”关系密切。So it can say the "urban" and "water" concerning an osculation.

通过对曲面接触类型分析,提出了带状密切的概念。The concept of band osculation is presented by analyzing surface contact types.

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生活饮用水是人类生存不可缺少的要素,与人们的日常生活密切相关。Living water is an element in human's life, it osculation with everyone in the world.

认知灵活性与学生的学业成绩关系密切。Cognitive flexibility has osculation relation with the schoolwork achievements of the students.

第二章主要分析杜诗喻象中的情感内容。Secondly chapter mostly discuss dufu 's sensibility change and trope imago relation osculation.

对应不同的几何参数,由层缝滑移式破坏向本体剪断转化的临界正应力也不同。The shearing strength have an osculation relation with the uprightness stress and geometry parameter.

与高科技企业和科研院所密切配合为公司获得了强大的技术支持。With high-tech company and scientific research units' osculation cooperation obtain strong technology support for company.

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随着我国经济和城市的发展,城市群的出现,各城市在横向和纵向的联系上越来越紧密。As the development of our country's economic and urban agglomeration, the relation among the cities is more and more osculation.

针对现有矿井通风系统方案优选方法中存在的问题,通过实例分析研究了密切值法在矿井通风系统方案优选中的应用。To overcome the shortcomings of the current methods for optimization of mine ventilation systems, a new osculation value method was put forward and utilized.

以上、下椎弓根中点及内、外缘所围成的区域作为神经根管的容积评估标准,人为操作误差明显减少,且与椎间盘、神经根管变化密切相关。The evaluating criterion of nerve root canal osteat cubage reduces manipulate error evidence and nerve root canal osculation is correlation with intervertebral disc and nerve root.

随着社会经济文化的发展以及各民族之间相互联系的密切,语言的民族性渐趋减弱,而社会性渐趋增强。With the development of social economy and culture, and the osculation of the relationship among nationalities, the nationality of languages weakens gradually, but the sociality strengthens.