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由于所有这些原因,非传染性疾病给发展带来了双重打击。For all these reasons, noncommunicable diseases deliver a two-punch blow to development.

正如我所言,本次非传染性疾病问题高级别会议必须成为一个分水岭。As I said, this high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases must be a watershed event.

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各位阁下,你们有力量来遏制并逆转非传染性疾病这一灾难。Excellencies, you have the power to stop and reverse the noncommunicable disease disaster.

超重和肥胖及其相关慢性病在很大程度上是可预防的。Overweight and obesity, as well as their related noncommunicable diseases, are largely preventable.

首先请允许我对你们处理和解决非传染性疾病问题的领导力和勇气表示赞许。First, let me commend your leadership and courage in addressing and tackling noncommunicable diseases.

这必须要改变,特别是如果我们想扭转非传染性疾病负担日益沉重的趋势。This will have to change, especially if we want to reverse the growing burden of noncommunicable diseases.

该报告包括每个国家由于非传染性疾病而死亡人数的比例方面的详细情况。The report includes details of what proportion of each country's deaths are due to noncommunicable diseases.

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对于非传染类疾病造成的紧急全球公共健康挑战投入高层关注。Devoting high-level attention to the urgent global public health challenges posed by noncommunicable diseases.

一般而言,低收入国家防控非传染性疾病的能力较低。Lower-income countries generally have lower capacity for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases.

其实在越来越多的国家,主要死亡原因是非传染病,例如心脏病和中风。But in more and more countries the chief causes of death are noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.

移民至以色列的原苏联移民的非传染性疾病死亡率低于俄罗斯联邦人口。Noncommunicable disease mortality among FSU immigrants to Israel is lower than in the population of the Russian Federation.

这些作者鼓励援助机构提供更多的资源,帮助减少非传染性慢性病的影响。The authors encourage aid agencies to provide more resources and help reduce the impact of noncommunicable chronic diseases.

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在1992年,Alwan博士到世卫组织担任东地中海区域办事处非传染病区域顾问。In 1992, he joined WHO as Regional Adviser for Noncommunicable Diseases in the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean.

有足够的证据显示,心血管疾病和其它非传染性疾病会导致家庭陷入贫困。At household level, sufficient evidence is emerging to prove that CVDs and other noncommunicable diseases contribute to poverty.

由于慢性非传染性疾病的负担逐渐从富裕人群转向贫困和弱势群体,需求也随之增长。Demands are rising as chronic noncommunicable diseases shift their burden from wealthy populations to the poor and disadvantaged.

儿童和孕产妇健康、非传染病的预防与管理都依赖供应链和卫生用品。Child and maternal health, and the prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases rely on the supply chain and commodities.

这是上个月联合国大会期间举行的关于慢性非传染性疾病高级别会议振奋人心的一个方面。This was a bright side of last month’s high level meeting on chronic noncommunicable diseases held during the UN General Assembly.

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但是,随着妇女年纪增长,非传染病成为主要的死亡和残疾原因,特别是在45岁以后。However, as women age, noncommunicable diseases become major causes of death and disability, particularly after the age of 45 years.

多部门合作,特别是在慢性非传染性疾病的预防和控制领域开展多部门合作,就是这样一个良机。Multisectoral collaboration, especially for the prevention and control of chronic noncommunicable diseases, is one such opportunity.

当然,重建工作需要时间,但考虑到传染病和非传染性疾病的持续威胁,急需完成此项工作。This rebuilding takes time, of course, but the continuing threat of communicable and noncommunicable diseases adds urgency to the task.