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他们能混装吗?Can they be mixed?

你全搞溷了。You're all mixed up.

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所以现在很混杂了。So it's very mixed now.

他为儿子调制了一盘色拉。He mixed his son a salad.

但是调查结果有高有低。But the findings are mixed.

他把威士忌酒和水混在一起。He mixed water with whisky.

大宗商品价格涨跌互现。Commodity prices were mixed.

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英国今天数据良莠不齐。The UK data was mixed today.

我给他调了一杯饮料。I mixed him a glass of drink.

在同样的区域,会有不同宗教信仰的人员混合。In the same areas, and mixed.

他们企图混淆是非。They should not get mixed up.

对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。His new book got mixed reviews.

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他妻子为他调制了一杯热饮。His wife mixed him a hot drink.

油和不能混合。Oil cannot be mixed with water.

我们国家的人口也很多元化。And it's mixed population there.

把杂菜酿入鱿鱼筒内。Stuff mixed vegetables in squid.

我们喝掺有啤酒的威士忌。We drink whisky mixed with beer.

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爱情就是太阳雨。It is a sunshine mixed with rain.

这是羊驼绒和尼龙混纺的。This is alpaca, mixed with nylon.

你把我们的铅笔全混了。You have mixed up all my pencils.