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19世纪,德国法学家萨维尼提出了“法律关系本座说”。In the 19th century, the German jurist Savigny created the.

帕特里克·德夫林是一位杰出的法官和出色的法律专家。Patrick Devlin was an outstanding judge and brilliant jurist.

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卡多佐是一位著名的法官,更是一位成果卓著的法哲学家。Cardozo is a famous judge and a prominent jurist in particular.

足智多谋的法学家已经想出了一个恢复名誉的计策。The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels.

沈家本、梁启超是中国近代史上最杰出的两位法学家。Shen Jiaben and Liang Qichao are the most outstanding jurist in China's modern history.

曾获浙江省“杰出青年法学家”和“有杰出贡献律师”称号。He was once titled the "Outstanding Youth Jurist" and "Lawyer with Outstanding Contribution" in Zhejiang Province.

近些年来,英国没有哪个法学家对法律的发展发挥的影响比得上丹宁勋爵。In recent times no British jurist other than Lord Denning has wielded more influence on the development of the law.

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有一点对于法学家很重要,就是这些贵族都是法律的受托人和执行人。The important point for the jurist is that these aristocracies were universally the depositaries and administrators of law.

第三章采取比较研究法,对比了墨家与儒家、法家法律观的差别,分两节。The third chapter uses the methodology of comparison to contrast Mohist School with Confusicanism and Jurist in two sections.

缔约过失责任制度是由德国法学家耶林提出并被誉为法学上的重要发现,对各国的立法和判例法都产生了深远的影响。The system of the contracting fault liability was put forward by a German jurist and was famed an important find of jurisprudence.

他驱逐了西维纽斯和法学家乌尔比安,因为乌尔比安是一个正直的人,而修辞家西维纽斯曾是亚历山大的指导教师。He dismissed both Ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and Silvinus the rhetorician, whom he had appointed tutor to Alexander.

“我想作为法学家的经验会是关键考虑因素,而其他因素无关紧要。”阿森诺尔特说。“I suspect that the experience of the jurist will be the critical consideration and the other factors will be a distant second,” Arsenault said.

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凯尔森是西方久负盛名的法学家,然国内对其的探讨还仅仅限定在教材中泛泛介绍,更别说对其在法学中清除意识形态影响的研究。Kelsen is a prominent jurist in the western world, however, his thought, especially on eliminating ideology in the law, is scarcely studied by us.

高铭暄教授是我国当代著名的法学家和法学教育家,是新中国刑法学的主要奠基者和开拓者。Professor GAO Ming-xuan, a famous contemporary jurist and educator, is one of the main founders and explorers of New China's criminal jurisprudence.

在此之前,查菲曾经在他的文章中阐述过这些观点,后来,在霍姆斯对申克案作出裁决后,查菲与霍姆斯会面,并使这位法官认识到他的决定不正确。Chafee had made this argument earlier in articles, and, following Holmes's decision in Schenck, met with the jurist and convinced him that he had been wrong.

商鞅是战国时期的著名法家代表人物,是新兴地主阶级的一位杰出的政治家与法学家。As a famous representative person of Legalists in the period of War State, Shang Yang was a distinguished statesmen and jurist from the new emerging landlord class.

沈家本是中国近代著名法学家、清末法制改革的倡导者和法制革新派领袖。Shen Jiaben is famous jurist in modern China, and he is also advocate of the reform of legal system of the end of Qing dynasty and leader of reform party of legal system.

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缔约过失责任的理论首先是由德国法学家耶林提出的,缔约过失责任理论和制度体现了社会本位主义的价值理念,弥补了传统民事责任体系的不足。The theory first proposed by German jurist Jhering, is a reflection of the value of the idea of selfishness, to make up for the shortcomings of traditional civil liability system.

这时的中国法学家开始对诉讼程序正义有了认识,对独立编纂诉讼法典有了认识,对刑事民事诉讼分列编纂有了认识。Some of Chinese jurist start to understand the proceeding justice, the compilation of litigated codification independency, the compilation of criminal and civil action respectively.

费尔巴哈,一位被人们誉为“近代刑法学之父”的德国刑法学家,其刑法理论的核心就是“心理强制说”。Feuerbach, who is named as"the Father of modern science of criminal law", is the Germany Penal jurist. The core of his theory of criminal law is the"theory of psychological Compulsion".