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什么是大学?What is university?

纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。Universe University.

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大学能做什么?What ean university do?

我非常喜欢这所大学。I do like this university.

这是南开大学啊?Is this Nankai University?

他是Z大学的老师?He was the University of Z?

我在南海大学上学。I attend Nanhai University.

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我来自同济大学。I'm from Tongji University.

他们都在上大学。They're both at university.

我很喜欢口琴草堂。I like Harmonica University.

在我大一的时候,In university my first year,

中国的兰州大学。Lanzhou University in China.

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这里就是佐贺大学。This is the Saga University.

但是,简真的上过大学。But she did go to university.

那么什么是公正的大学?So what is a just university?

布朗大学的阿基保尔。Archibald of Brown University.

安妮考进大学了吗?Has Anne got into university ?

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我在一所大学的图书馆工作。Iwork in a university library.

大学之道,止于至善。University of way, all worlds.

他在清华大学工作。He works at Qinghua University.