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这剑柄怎会流落到铁匠铺外如此遥远的地方。How the hilt of a sword wandered so far from the smithy.

威尔郡出现的麦田圈图案是令人震惊的。It was shocking when the Wayland's Smithy figure appeared.

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在等待的间隙,他想来点啤酒,但人们告诉他这个铁匠铺没有售酒许可。Whilst he was waiting he demanded a beer but was told the smithy was unlicenced.

还有,我超喜欢鲁尼,史密斯还给我弄到了对阵西汉姆比赛的球票。Smithy hooked me up with some tickets so I went to watch the home game against West Ham.

罗汉老人的铁匠铺却给我下了极深的印象。The smithy of arhat old person left profound impression to me however A few individual plant.

我才十四岁而已,所以我正努力学习如何尽可能的在锻冶场帮忙父亲,他骄傲的说著。I am only fourteen, so I am just learning how to best help Father in the smithy , He says, proudly.

还有,我超喜欢鲁尼,史密斯还给我弄到了对阵西汉姆比赛的球票。I really like Rooney too. Smithy hooked me up with some tickets so I went to watch the home game against West Ham.

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还有一座干将坊,人们说是当年干将铸剑的作坊。There is also found a neighbourhood named Gan'Jiang'Fang or Ganjiang Smithy where reputedly the couple had cast swords.

就冲着他在铁铺里显露出他小长肌肉的体格,要知道他曾经可如精灵般瘦弱。Balian in Kingdom of Heaven, just for the bit at the smithy where he reveals that he's grown some muscles on his once elfishly lean physique.

在一个店铺中,被锁链铐住的一个矮人正在三名全副武装的卓尔催促下,为他的主人修理着精美的武器和珠宝。In one shop, bound with chains and prompted by three well-armed drow, a dwarf smithy grudgingly repaired fine weapons and jewelry for his captors.

英格兰之音,是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上的锤子的叮当声、是露珠欲滴的清晨秧鸡的鸣叫声、是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。Then sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy. The corncrake on the dewy morning. The sound of scythe against the whetstone.

当他走回来地底的路时,走向光明时,他记起了,然后,刚巧一对名字叫做布洛克跟伊提利的小矮人工匠兄弟经过。As he travelled back up through the underground, toward the light of day, he remembered and happened to pass the smithy of a couple of dwarf brothers named Brok and Eitri.