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如果有报价,这是我和俱乐部都是好消息。If there was an offer, it would be good for me and Cruzeiro.

克鲁塞罗前锋克莱伯表示利物浦已经着手他的转会。Cruzeiro striker Kleber claims Liverpool have made an approach for his services.

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克鲁塞罗的风云射手克莱伯声称利物浦向其提供了一份合同。White-hot Cruzeiro striker Kleber claims to have an offer on the table from Liverpool.

巴西克鲁塞罗强调他们没有接到任何对他们的前锋克莱伯的报价。Brazilian outfit Cruzeiro insist they have received no approach for star striker Kleber.

如果克鲁塞罗提供相同的工薪,或者我们去谈判,我个人倾向留下,但是我们之前没有谈过。If Cruzeiro offer the same amount, or we talk, I'd prefer to stay. But we haven't talked yet"."

克鲁赛罗的科尔隆、已经被巴塞罗那签下的多斯。桑托斯、克鲁尔这个小布冯的未来在荷兰国家队。Kerlon of Cruzeiro , Dos Santos, already of Barcelona, Krul, the Buffon of the future is Dutch.

2001年,麦孔在克鲁塞罗开始了他的职业生涯,在效力的的两个赛季里,他帮助球队夺得了冠军。Maicon made his debut to professional for Cruzeiro in 2001 and during his two seasons with the club they won the championship.

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迪达本赛季在意甲联赛表现令人失望,因此有消息称他将回归自己的老东家克鲁塞罗。Dida fell out of favour at the Serie A side this season, and it was suggested that he would return to his former club, Cruzeiro.

克鲁塞罗和帕尔梅拉斯完成第三次和第四次后续圣保罗和格雷米奥队进入明年的南美解放者杯。Cruzeiro and Palmeiras finished third and fourth to follow Sao Paulo and Gremio into next year's South American Libertadores Cup.

随着延斯·莱曼在阿森纳的未来开始变得微妙,阿瑟·温格据传正在考虑引进克鲁塞罗门将法比奥。With Jens Lehmann's Arsenal future a tenuous one, Arsene Wenger is rumoured to be considering a move for Cruzeiro goalkeeper Fabio.

这位前科鲁塞罗的1号门将与米兰的合同只签到了2007年的7月,这意味着在他成为自由人前,米兰希望用他来交换现金。The former Cruzeiro No 1 is only tied to the outfit until June 2007 which means Milan may look to cash in before he becomes a free agent.

首回合在主场战成0-0,次回合下半场克鲁塞罗进球后,看起来冠军已被巴西人收入囊中。The home leg had been drawn 0-0, and the title seemed Brazil bound when Cruzeiro took the lead early in the second half of the return game.

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“克鲁塞罗已经为我提供了新合同”他补充道,“我一贯的态度是我要继续在巴西踢球,在这儿创造历史,因为我知道这是很有可能的。"Cruzeiro have been made an offer, " he added. "I've always said I wanted to play in Brazil and make history here because I know it is possible.

巴西里约热内卢警方25日继续在克鲁赛罗镇贫民窟与贩毒团伙武装人员激战,装甲运兵车、直升机等提供后援。Rio de Janeiro police continue to Cruzeiro slum town, and armed drug gangs fighting, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, etc. to provide backup.

巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行…Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行镇压。Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行镇压。Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty 1 town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

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克鲁赛罗现任守门员法比奥已说明他想在今夏转会到一家欧洲俱乐部,也可以为迪达在贝洛奥里藏特让道。Cruzeiro 's current goalkeeper Fabio has made it clear that he is looking for a move to Europe this summer and could make way for Dida between the posts in Belo Horizonte.

克莱伯过去已经吸引过埃弗顿的青睐,自从回到克鲁塞罗打进19球的克莱伯透露对英超的不舍。The volatile frontman, who has also attracted interest from Everton in the past, has been a revelation since returning to Brazil, netting 19 goals in as many appearances for Cruzeiro.

据来自巴西的报道说利物浦主帅在巴西联赛圣诞休赛之前派遣了球探前往观看弗卢米嫩塞和克鲁赛罗的比赛。Reports in Brazil claim that the Liverpool manager sent scouts to watch the player in his side's defeat against Cruzeiro before the Campeonato Brasiliero wound down for their annual Christmas break.