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这就是复制。This is duplication.

八重复了一Eight is a duplication of one.

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它能避免复制和分裂的问题么。It avoids these problems of duplication and fission.

这样的重复是创建组合键所必需的。This duplication is required to create the composite key.

因此,这是一个延长程序和增加不必要费用的复制品。Thus, there is a duplication of effort that lengthens the.

提出了一个难题,这难题就基于复制。And the difficulty was basically the problem of duplication.

如果接受肉体理论的观点,就避免了复制的问题。If we accept the body view,we avoid the duplication problem.

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这对我来说并非是简单的复制,而是一种消化过程。It is a process of digestion rather than simple duplication.

筒仓造成了系统、业务逻辑和数据的重复。Silos causes duplication of systems, business rules and data.

自然景观勾勒贵族生活摹本。The natural landscape outlined Duplication aristocratic life.

肉体就不用面临复制问题么?Is it really true that bodies don't face a duplication problem?

这能减少资金投入、时间和劳动的重复。This can reduce the duplication of investment, time, and labor.

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随函附上业经我方会签的销售合同。Enclosed is the duplication of our countersigned sales contract.

那么,如果这是种声音的复制,我们就可以重复这些字母So, if it's a duplication of sound, let's duplicate the letters.

下腔静脉重复畸形是一种罕见的先天性血管发育变异。The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.

从三维模型生成二维图,有大量重复的工作。If developed from a 3D model, there is much duplication of effort.

这种事倍功半的方法,现在已经不实用了。This method of duplication of efforts, and now no longer practical.

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路特说,“细胞进化就是一个复制和分裂的过程”。"Evolution is a process of duplication and divergence, " Rout says.

随函附上我方售货确认书发现NO.568在重复。Enclosed please found our Sales confirmation NO. 568 in duplication.

如何维护服务信息以避免不必要的复制?How is service information maintained to avoid un-needed duplication?