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他眼睑的外翻很严重。The eversion of his eyelids is serious.

将眼睑翻转可发现一扩张的睑板腺。Eversion of the eyelid may show a dilated meibomian gland.

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足外翻是脚踝往外翻,而我就是这样。Eversion is when the ankle rolls outwards and this is what I did.

踝背伸、足外翻抗阻试验有助于明确诊断。Anti-resistant test of dorsiflexsion and eversion may help diagnosis.

结果A组27例较少发生内眦角变形、睑外翻,上下泪点复位良好。Results Group A had less medial canthus malposition and less eversion of the eyelid.

就连我们自己在明白的-候,也已经是在国外翻打许久以后了-。We are understanding, also already was hits in the country eversion for a long time later.

结论正常下颌角有一定的外翻角度,外翻角度是决定下颌角间宽的主要原因。Conclusion The eversion of the mandibular angle is an important factor to determine the bigonial breadth.

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通过对眼睑的直接观察,将眼睑翻转并发现藏于其内的睫毛即可作出诊断。Diagnosis is made by direct visualization of the eyelid, with eversion of the lid to reveal hidden lashes.

无一例发生中毒、过敏、上睑下垂、复视、下睑外翻等严重并发症。No cases showed such serious complications as intoxication, allergic, blepharoptosis, diplopia or lower eyelid eversion.

有很大的影响,它不仅使人显老,严重的还会由天眼眶隔膜的松弛出现眼睑外翻。Has a great impact, it not only makes people look old, even from the days of orbital relaxation of the diaphragm appear eversion of the eyelids.

结论胆管空肠一层外翻吻合手术操作简单易行,手术时间短,且安全可靠,实为一种理想的吻合手术方式。Conclusions Single-layer eversion choledochojejunostomy is easy to perform, the operative time is short, and is a safe, reliable and rational anastomotic procedure.