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我的王,这些药草来自德尔斐。My lord, these herbs are from Delphi.

指标权重的确定采用了特尔斐法和层次分析法。Weight of index is made by AHP and Delphi.

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这两天正是要用它提取数据的时候,急呀!You can not run Delphi without this information.

你们谁去过德尔斐Anybody--raise your hand if you've been to Delphi.

路线图上Delphi最后的版本名称为Commodore。The last named version of Delphi on the roadmap is Commodore.

德尔福中国为几乎所有在中国的主要整车厂供货。Delphi is a supplier to almost all OEMs in the Chinese market.

其拥有超过100年的发展历史,却只有不到九岁的生命力。Delphi has developed over 100 years but it is only 9 years old.

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在条条大路通罗马之前,德尔斐是世界的中心,这是宙斯自己定的。Long before all roads led to Rome, Delphi was the center of the world.

在游击队炸弹袭击戴尔斐之后,谁发现了受伤的山姆·安德斯?Who found the injured Sam Anders after the guerilla bombing in Delphi?

第三步是运用德尔菲法为评价量表的指标加权。The third step is to determine the weight of scale by the Delphi method.

方法采用文献检索法和特尔斐法对评价指标进行探讨和论证。Methods The index system was assessed by Delphi method and documents index.

并应用德尔菲法确定了该指标体系各指标的权重。And it determine the index system of all the weights through the Delphi method.

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在通用汽车,克莱斯勒,德尔斐和卡特皮勒公司,工资却不会很快回复到单一标准。At G. M. , Chrysler, Delphi and Caterpillar, the wages will not be snapping back.

如果由我取代Borland来管理Delphi,我会不会做的更好呢?If I were managing the Delphi product instead of Borland, could I do a better job?

居住在德尔斐的神谕既不说话也不隐藏,而是给出一个标记。The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals , but gives a sign.

针对该问题,提出采用改进德尔菲法建立飞机驾驶舱人机几何适配性评价指标体系。Aiming at this issue, the modified Delphi method was proposed to build this system.

任何违反法律的执政官都必须在特尔斐塑一尊与真人一样大小的金制雕塑以示惩戒。Any archon infringing them would have to raise a life-size golden statue at Delphi.

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在柏拉图的Apology中,苏格拉底和他的朋友Chaerephon去拜访Delphi的先知。In Plato's Apology, Socrates and his friend Chaerephon, visit the oracle at Delphi.

再将德尔菲法和层次分析法相结合来分配各层次指标的权重。Then, combine Delphi and AHP to distribute the weight of various levels indicators.

方法采用德尔斐法和专家会议法对健康档案数据集进行筛选。Methods Delphi measure and expert consulting were adopted to select data sets in HER.