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土星是我的环境。Saturn is my surroundings.

土星是摩羯座的守护星。Capricorn is ruled by Saturn.

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所以为什么要购买一部土星汽车呢?So why should you buy a Saturn?

当时卡西尼号是在前往土星的途中。Cassini was on its way to Saturn.

1996年在土星离合器取代sl2。Replace the 1996 Saturn SL2 clutch.

农神殒落了,我是否也将殒落?Saturn is fallen, am I too to fall?

土星质量大,引力也大。Saturn quality, gravitational next.

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水星在射手座,土星衰落。Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.

水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.

那就是木星和土星的情形。That's the case for Jupiter and Saturn.

土星的这颗卫星发生了什么?What's happened to that moon of Saturn?

日本人编写的世嘉土星模拟器。Japanese Sega Saturn prepared by the simulator.

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从占星学角度来说,我观察到土星的位子处于狮子座。Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

慢慢走在爱取悦土星的所有事项。Go slowly in all matters of love to please Saturn.

土星是像月亮一样的天体。Saturn is that star-like object by tonight's moon.

同时离开的还有悍马,庞蒂亚克,萨博,土星这几个品牌。So will the Hummer, Pontiac, Saab and Saturn brands.

链接-观看“土卫遗失了它的光环,因此成谜Also see "Saturn Moon Loses Its Rings, Gains a Mystery.

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如果土星位于水瓶座,盘主会很讨厌女性。If Saturn be in Aquarius, he will be a mere woman-hater.

土星是代表为实现目标而努力工作和律己。Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals.

土星现在回到你的思想宫位并会待一段时间。Saturn is now back for a good long stay in your Mind Zone.