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盖茨是少数自信的成功者之一。Gates is one of the few to pull off both feats with aplomb.

别人向他提的哪些问题他都会沉着应对。All these things that were thrown at him, he handled it with aplomb.

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他处理的媒体,赞助商和球迷们以非凡的沉着鹅群。He handled the gaggle of media, sponsors and fans with extraordinary aplomb.

不过,卢卡申科的批评者揪着他那带着镇静的胡子不放。Nevertheless, Lukashenko's detractorshave latched onto his mustache with aplomb.

很少在禁区里看见他,但当机会来临时他出现在那里,沉着地将球打进。Rarely seen inside the box but on the rare occasion he was there, he finished with aplomb.

突尼斯人凭着顽强和沉着平安地度过了这一切,包括政府的数次更迭。Tunisians weathered this, including several changes of governments, with tenacity and aplomb.

到目前为止,他们用同他们在阴暗的地下相同的在沉着经营着日光马戏团。So far they're handling the daylight circus with the same aplomb they displayed in their shadowy tomb.

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六月9日,巴西经济宣布正式进入经济衰退期,但市场却不为所动。The June 9 news that its economy officially entered into recession has been met with a sense of aplomb.

奥巴马昨天在土桑市的演讲成功的做到了这一点,丝毫不比比尔•克林顿1995年在俄克拉何马州所做的逊色。Obama ascended to that role in Tucson yesterday, with no less aplomb than Bill Clinton summoned in Oklahoma City in 1995.

特别是能在十月份成功的球队,都有一主宰全场的终结者,三振打者,坚守岗位的防守。Specifically, teams that thrive in October tend to have dominating closers , strike batters out and catch the ball with aplomb.

他们特别是中国的政治家们又喜出望外地得到了一个新的表演舞台,挥霍着捐款的同时挥洒自如地表现着慈悲和怜悯。They especially Chinese politicians and to get a new performance stage, the donation at the same time with aplomb show compassion and mercy.

蒙特布尔承诺给法国一个金色的明天。他说来泰然自若,这虽是街头演说的噱头,但更有吸引力。Mr Montebourg's promise of a golden tomorrow, which he makes with aplomb as part of a makeshift stand-up act in the street, is proving more seductive.

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从社会来说,甲流正在流行,人们知道实情,才可能避免“无知的镇定”,进行针对性的预防。From the society for, armour shedding is in popular, people knows truth, just may avoid " ignorant aplomb " , undertake the precaution of specific aim.

部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。The part turned out to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member.

谷歌的崛起让人难以置信而且外界对于公司的创办者,技师以及其它的员工在其奉献,技术以及出奇的淡定方面有太多的敬仰。Google’s rise is breathtaking, and there’s much to admire about the dedication, skill and quirky aplomb of the company’s founders, technologists and other staffers.

巴布•马利将雷鬼乐以及原属于牙买加的拉斯特法里教义通俗化,让牙买加以外的世界得以接受他们,并且,他以近乎救世主般的热情与沉着来做这些事。Bob Marley popularized reggae music, along with the Rastafarian religion, to the world outside Jamaica. He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb.

我们希望两艘擦身而过的帝国船舰设法沉着地谈判全球权力的公平分配。Let's hope that these two imperial boats passing in the night manage to negotiate an equitable distribution of global power with more aplomb than they showed earlier this month.

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辅助我们博得这份工作的口试中的自负跟着工作第一天邻近逐步被缓和情感取代,我们担忧是否给同事留下好的第一印象。The aplomb we had in the account that acreageed us the job is boring yieldn over by fretfulness as our first day accesses, and we fret about authoritative a acceptable first consequence.