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这就是我一成不变的感情。That is the unvarying standard of my feelings.

①那种典型的没有变化的霍吉已经不存在了。The typical and unvarying Hodge ceased to exist.

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通常电子电路中需要稳定不变的直流电源。Also electronic circuitry usually requires a pure, unvarying dc supply.

考哲霖斯基认为这种和睦相处是因为不变的淘金生活方式。Korzelinski attributed this harmony to the unvarying lifestyle of gold digging.

任何喝过此毒酒之人都会相继死去,此乃不变之真理。Whoever drinks the poison will die consequentially, which is the unvarying truth.

那个常道所涵盖的范围,我们称之为天地。The eternal, absolute, unvarying Tao covers the bound that is called the Heaven and Earth.

“万能选手”的另一个典型特点是他么根本不休假。One other unvarying trait of omnipotents is that they seldom take their vacations all at once.

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由它画出的线条乌黑毫无粗细变换,让我根本没法施展铅笔画技。It drew a stark black line of unvarying thickness, making all my faboo pencil techniques impossible.

经过完善的电路设计可以实现芯片对激光器发射功率的监控和调整以及适当的温度补偿。The perfected circuit can inspect and adjust the laser power so that VCSEL can keep unvarying power output.

阀门有一定开度,开始工作时,冷凝水与空气从A口迅速排放。Value lead could be a unvarying jaw opening, when it works, condenser water and air obviates from port A quickly.

如果是拍自一张墙画,在所有照片中其相互关系应该不会变化。If photographed from a poster, the relationship should have been unvarying through the entire series of photographs.

第三部分是一个不变量,第一、二部分可以变化无穷。The third part was an unvarying quantity, but the first and second parts could be varied an infinite number of times.

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恒久性风险存在于商业银行市场化利率经营的始终,是利率风险管理的重点。Unvarying risk is the key point of interest risk management and exists in the general process of commercial bank's interest rate operation.

笔者设计的恒光路系统通过对光路进行补偿,而使加工过程中光路长度恒定不变。The constant light path system is designed to make the length of light path in the process of machining unvarying by means of equalizing it.

稳定成熟、现实理智、易兴奋激动、有恒负责、做事尽职等成为摩梭儿童的民族群体人格特点。Therefore, the Mosuo children obviously characterize to be mature and stable, realistic and sane, easy to be exiting, unvarying and responsible.

光荣与梦想的回忆,已离我们远去,天下没有不变的事物,或许人类正是在这不断的变化中,才能一步步走向美好的未来。There have never been unvarying things in the world and maybe just in such a continuous varying humanity can we go toward the ideal realm step by step.

西安理工大学硕士学位论文首先,结合利率市场化改革的进程将商业银行面临的利率风险分成阶段性风险和恒久性风险两种类型。Firstly, it classifies the interest rate risk in commercial banks into periodic risk and unvarying risk based on the reform process of interest rate marketing.

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至今印象深刻的是,那时的中国妇女们留着整齐划一的发型,衣服颜色暗沉,人们的思想观念也因循守旧。I still remember clearly how Chinese women used to wear the same unvarying hairstyle and gloomy-colored suits and how people stuck to their traditional ideology.

你可观察到不管秋千的摆幅多大,秋千来回摆动到时间基本不变,这就是单摆的周期不变性原理。You can observe that the period of swing swaying to and fro is basically invariable in spite of what the amplitude is, so is the theory of unvarying periods of single pendulum.

有一种美在无声之间,幽幽撩动你的心田,将时尚和优雅归结于玻璃的清澈与金属的明亮之间,成为恒久之美不可或缺的一部分。A beauty, in silence but touch your heart faintly, vogue and elegance between limpidness of glass and brightness of metal, finally become an indispensable part of unvarying beauty.