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向量求反。Negates a vector.

就是这个矢量。This is that vector.

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它构成一个矢量。This makes it a vector.

矢量圆图。Vector circle infographic.

向量参数文件?。VPF? Vector Parameter File?

矢量光栅转换器?。VRC? Vector Raster Converter?

那相当于-1乘以一个矢量That's like -1 times a vector.

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一个2D向量属性的值。Value of a 2D vector property.

我应该无法表示出零矢量I cannot show you the 0 vector.

我经历了一个矢量的量变。I experience a vector quantity.

向量处理单元?。VPE? Vector Processing Element?

矢量C等于A加。B This vector C equals A plus B.

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这是由Q0指向Q的向量。This is the vector from Q0 to Q.

记住它,这是个矢量。Remember this-- this is a vector.

那么当然知道它的法向量。Well, you know the normal vector.

让我们试试更大的向量值。And let's try a really big vector.

一个向量减另一个向量。Subtracts one vector from another.

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它可以被称为多向矢量性时间之门。It may be termed a time-gate vector.

那我们怎么得到这单位矢量呢?Now, how do we get this unit vector?

向量通信处理器?。VCP? Vector Communication Processor?