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是瓷的吧?Is it porcelain?

马送陈一个精美的瓷器。Ma gave Chen a fine porcelain.

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瓷水槽容易清洗。A porcelain sink cleans easily.

唯瓷器最让我悲伤。The porcelain troubles me most.

用瓷片拼成的,像一幅镶嵌画!Porcelain shards, like a mosaic!

我给我们一个生锈的瓷水槽I gave us a stained porcelain sink

重船外打捞入许少粗佳瓷器。Sunken ship yields more porcelain.

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这家商店瓷杯缺货。The store is shy on porcelain cups.

生命像瓷碗一样地脆弱。Life is as fragile as the porcelain.

也许你是一件烧炼的瓷器。Perhaps you are a Shaolian porcelain.

瓷水相安乃奇事也!Porcelain with water is wonders also!

韩佳,这些都是瓷板吗?Han Jia, are they all porcelain boards?

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有优质白瓷的意思。It means the top-grade white porcelain.

还有一些是秘色瓷。Some of them are olive-green porcelain.

哪些人群要做烤瓷牙需求?What people need to do porcelain teeth?

烤瓷牙导致牙龈发炎怎么办?How long is the life of porcelain teeth?

瓷娃娃我当然听说过。I've certainly heard of porcelain dolls.

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电动冲牙器能代替洗牙么?What can prevent dental porcelain teeth?

这家商店是磁器专卖店。This shop is an exclusive porcelain shop.

可是我以为烧瓷的窑炉都很大呢。I thought porcelain kiln must be very big.