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于是黛拉去问艾达。She came to ask Ida.

意达说给泰迪熊听。Ida talked to her teddy bear.

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爱达在围裙上擦了擦手。Ida wiped her hands on her apron.

艾达是一个真正不寻常的发现。Ida is a truly extraordinary find.

意达把花搬到了她的房间。Ida brought the flowers to her room.

伊达马上引起媒体的轰动。Ida was an immediate media sensation.

在这幅图中,艾达坐在一块尖石之上。In this vision, Ida sits at the cusp.

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意达和她的表兄妹们把花埋了。Ida buried the flowers with her cousins.

IDA贷款额占世行贷款总额的近40%。IDA accounts for nearly 40 percent of our lending.

一本关于伊达的书已经成功出版。A book about Ida was already coming off the presses.

我们有关伊达的主张确实非常具有争论性。What we claim about Ida is really quite controversial.

而红果则是选了后都,却被艾达说是小笨伯。And red fruits is chose after, but IDA say little stupid.

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我也不知道为什么,但是我跟着安达上车了。I don't know why but I went on taking trams with Ada Ida.

重庆市某郊区学龄前儿童同时存在VAD和IDA的公共卫生问题。VAD and IDA are public health problems in suburb Chongqing.

白雨说凌莲让艾达和红果去取手稿。BaiYu said LingLian let IDA and red fruits to get manuscript.

这也是达尔文的意思——如今艾达证实了这一点。It's this that Darwin's idea – and now Ida – truly vindicates.

我的问题是关于您对中国向国际开发协会捐款表示欢迎。My question focuses on your welcome to China to donate to IDA.

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艾达向艾瑟承认自己正和理查德恋爱,希望马上就订婚。IDA to esser admits he is talking with Richard in love, hope soon.

爱达和载克太的名字来自希腊神话人物。The names Ida and Dactyl are based on characters in Greek mythology.

对这些最贫困国家,国际开发协会提供赠款和优惠贷款。For these poorest countries, IDA gives grants and concessionary loans.