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毕业后他开始从事写作。He took up writing after graduation.

我们毕业分配工作了。Our job assignment on graduation worked.

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那么,你毕业之后打算做什么呢?So, what are you doing after graduation?

应征,应募,入伍,参军。He enrolled in the army after graduation.

他尽力打扮得漂漂亮亮,以便去参加毕业典礼。He tried to smarten up for the graduation.

我是一名会计系毕业的学生。I am an accountancy graduation of student.

你毕业后的这段日子都在干些什么呢?What have you been up to since graduation?

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这是我的毕业设计做的东西!This is my graduation project to do things!

在90人的毕业班中他名列第五。He placed fifth in a graduation class of 90.

毕业后我们班的同学就各奔东西了。After graduation my classmates drifted apart.

我刚考完一门期末考试,还照了毕业相。I just had one final and graduation pictures.

让我们去理诺士毕业典礼看一看!Take a look at the Les Roches Graduation Day!

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请观看2015年5月格里昂毕业典礼视频!Watch the May 2015 Glion Graduation Ceremony!

毕业后你一直在哪里工作?Where have you been working since graduation?

她成功的完成了她的毕业设计。She succeeded in doing her graduation project.

毕业之后他仍然靠父母生活。He still lived on his parents after graduation.

在汇文大学毕业后,留校工作。After his graduation he worked in the university.

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学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.

“我和朋友们出去后根本无暇顾及这些,”她说,“太多事情了,我儿子毕业典礼,丈夫家庭重聚,去宾州瓦伦坡派克湖度假。”My son’s graduation. My husband’s family reunion.

明天是很重要的一天——毕业的一天。Tomorrow is the fatal day--the day of graduation.