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他想用核弹轰掉那个地区。He wanted to nuke the area.

伊朗没有必要用核武器攻击以色列。Iran has no need to nuke Israel.

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在任何时候,中国绝不会首先使用核武器。Anytime, China can't use the nuke nohow first.

以前用核弹炸过日本,你敢对中国那样吗!Harish sahoo Can u nuke China like Japan ! ! !

日本政府力求搞清对美载核航母停靠日本港口密约。Japan seeks to come clean from secret nuke deal.

日本滨冈核电站完全关闭。Japan's Hamaoka nuke plant completely shut down.

福岛核电站又发现高辐射积水。More radioactive water spills at Japan nuke plant.

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中国政府称,六方会谈是解决朝鲜核危机的唯一途径。Six-Party Talks only way to fix Korean nuke issue.

美俄签署核武器协议旨在维护全球稳定。US-Russia nuke treaty 'good for global stability'.

美国参议院批准与俄罗斯签署核裁军条约。U. S. Senate ratifies nuke arms treaty with Russia.

上一次他去的时候,朝鲜威胁着要用核武器攻打我们。The last time he went N. K. was threatening to nuke us within days.

同时,日本的核危机不断恶化,对辐射的恐惧也不断加剧。Meanwhile, the nuke crisis worsens in Japan, as radiation fears spike.

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核弹轮现在火灾与一个标准的榴弹炮射击轨迹。The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot.

如果伊朗能够制造并且对以色列使用核武器,我们就有大麻烦了。If Iran is capable of making and using a nuke on Isreal, we are in serious trouble.

烧烤时,将一碗清水中加入几滴柠檬汁放入微波炉中,然后高火加热五分钟。Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl of water and nuke on high for five minutes.

若是要均匀的溶化棉花糖,最好的方法就是微波炉了。I think the best way to achieve perfectly uniform gooey deliciousness is to nuke it.

北美人就算是吃饭也很有效率,微波炉一早就把他们的早餐、午餐和五点的晚餐加热好了。Microwaves help nuke their early breakfasts, noon lunches, and five-o'clock dinners.

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该系统是基于节点如朝核,但包括照明除了合成。The system is node based, like Nuke but covering lighting in addition to compositing.

也许寇德曼只是计划了1964年的任务,而沃尔金是出于自己的意志而发射的核弹。Maybe Coldman just planned the 1964 mission and Volgin fired that nuke on his own will.

当中提到拖了九年还没出来的"永远的毁灭公爵"。" In the article, it mentioned "Nuke Nukem Forever, " a game that's postponed for 9 years.