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每一个伟大的演讲撰稿人都知道这一点。Every great speechwriter knows this.

但是里根根本不需要撰稿人,因为他自己就能胜任。But Reagan didn’t need a speechwriter. He was a good one himself.

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下星期四,那个什么总统讲演撰稿人要在第四节课来讲演。Next Thursday, some presidential speechwriter dude is coming to speak fourth period.

事实上,早在1968年我就在萨克拉门托为里根撰写发言稿。As it happens, early in 1968 I found myself in Sacramento working as a speechwriter for Reagan.

佩林州长的演讲非常好,但是它是乔治-布什的笔杆子写出来的。The speech that Gov. Palin gave was well-delivered, but it was written by George Bush's speechwriter.

我希望至少会是个助理职位,或是顾问什么的,或者更大胆一点——一个讲稿撰稿人。I hoped to become an assistant at least, or an adviser or perhaps even — dare to dream — a speechwriter.

前里根发言稿写手说,奥巴马无论在风格、辩术还是气质方面都和以“交流圣手”著称的里根总统极为相像。A former Reagan speechwriter says Obama is like The Great Communicator in his style, oratory, and temperament.

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如果你能说出不止一个,你很可能是一位前总统演讲撰稿人或者历史学家。And if you came up with more than one, you’re probably either a former presidential speechwriter or a historian.

为五位总统撰写过演讲稿的詹姆斯•C•休姆斯曾经表示,“沟通的艺术是领导力的语言。”The art of communication, " James C. Humes, a speechwriter for five presidents, once said, "is the language of leadership.

白宫职员中很少有人能像演讲稿主要撰写人及其副手那样对总统的成功显得重要。Few White House staffers are as important to the success of a presidency as the chief speechwriter and his or her deputies.

一个俏皮话,大大娱乐趣闻汇编,以及有关温斯顿丘吉尔琐事由前白宫撰稿人。An enormously entertaining compendium of witticisms, anecdotes, and trivia about Winston Churchill by a former White House speechwriter.

新信条让亨利·古埃诺明显底气十足,此人是萨科奇先生的讲稿撰写人,也是国家干预的长期倡导者。The new creed has notably raised the stock of Henri Guaino, Mr Sarkozy’s speechwriter and a long-standing advocate of state intervention.

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据悉,26岁的坎波沃迪将担任白宫副幕僚长的助手,她的男友正是奥巴马就职演讲稿的首席撰稿人、27岁的乔恩·费夫洛。Ali Campoverdi, 26, is an assistant to an Obama deputy chief of staff. She is said to be dating Obama's 27-year-old chief speechwriter Jon Favreau.

起草和修改国情咨文讲话稿的过程可能花上几个月。雷。浦莱斯回忆了他当时作为理查德。尼克松总统演讲稿撰写人时的经历。The process of writing and rewriting a State of the Union speech can take months. Ray Price recalled his experience as a speechwriter for President Richard Nixon.

那个保证是布什承诺演说的最重要特征,演说是由演讲稿撰写人佩基·罗南为在1988年共和党全国代表大会上布什的党内任命而撰写的稿子。That pledge was the centerpiece of Bush's acceptance address, written by speechwriter Peggy Noonan, for his party's nomination at the 1988 Republican National Convention.

美国国家安全局发言人汤米·费艾托和演讲稿撰写人约翰·费儒就挺厉害,麦克莱恩先生有时候就会让他们跟白宫年轻的主厨山姆·卡斯比。Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesman, and the speechwriter Jon Favreau are competitive, and Mr. McClellan sometimes pits them against Sam Kass, a young White House chef.

基思·多诺霍,曾在美国艺术基金会担任演讲撰稿人,目前任职于华盛顿的一家政府机构。Keith Donohue lives in Maryland, near Washington, D. C. For many years, he was a speechwriter at the National Endowment for the Artsand and now works at another federal agency in Washington.

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乔治·布什总统的前任演讲撰稿人迈克尔·杰森,曾在华盛顿邮报上写道,“激进主义和恶意伤害”致使美国政府发布的“法令在实施中成为一纸笑闻”。Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, wrote in The Washington Post that "radicalism and maliciousness" has led the Administration to issue an "edict delivered with a sneer.

他是白宫有记载以来最年轻的首席讲稿撰写人,而且,抛开年龄不谈,还是讨论起草今日演讲内容的核心人物,对之有重要的影响。He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it.