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在可预见的将来,这些问题同样并无好转可能。These are problems that cannot be resolved in the forseeable future.

由此,在可以预见的将来,我认为不会发生战争,但紧张局势会保持下去。Given this I do not see war but tensions will remain high for the forseeable future.

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从理论上分析,文章所介绍的二方面改造方案是可行的,效果也是可以预见的。Theoretically, the two aspects of alteration is feasible and the effect is forseeable.

你认为在不久的将来科学家会有能力复制人类吗?Do you believe the scientists will be able to clone human beings in the forseeable future?

根据可靠消息在未来可见的一段时间内,范甘迪将会远离NBA的教练职务。Citing an "impeccable source, " The Post reported that Van Gundy is leaving NBA coaching for the forseeable future.

我们希望在大地震中受重创的海地在不久的将来可以重建。We hope that Haiti which was heavily depredated by the killer quake will be reconstructed in the forseeable future.

但是埃德尔曼认为俱乐部的财政实力和董事会的贡献意味着在可预见的未来里,一切仍将照常进行。But Mr Edelman believes the financial strength of the club and the dedication of the board means it will be "business as usual" for the forseeable future.

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这位54岁的老人监视着大量天才的成长和培育,他希望在可预见到的未来里专注于他的俱乐部角色。The 54-year-old has overseen the emergence of a string of talented youngsters and wants to focus his attention on his club role for the forseeable future.

最终,操纵太阳能,风能,地热和其他可再生资本将在未来救助我们节减煤油的耗损。Eventually, solar, wind, geothermal, and other renewable sources will enable us to save our oil for the petrochemicals we will need for the forseeable future.

就像因应台湾人口老化而有了「养生村」的成立,预见能源短缺而有了多项汽电共生事业。Taiwan's aging population inspired the creation of a "Health Village. " The forseeable energy shortage inspired the establishment of numerous gas turbine electrical cogeneration projects.