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这正是我们世界的深奥之处。This is the profundity of our world.

他缺乏深度和分析的精确性。He lacked profundity and analytical precision.

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它以其深度引起会心的微笑。It evokes thoughtful smiles by its profundity.

幽玄一词起源于中国。Mysterious Profundity is originated from China.

但是,这个方法的简单掩盖了它的深奥。But the simplicity of the method belies its profundity.

这是值得人们深刻探究的新问题。This is the problem that is worth people profundity to consider.

平面的色块在空间内进退自如,不动声色地呈现其深度。Flat colors move freely in the space, presenting its profundity quietly.

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虚无主义构成了鲁迅的深刻性和复杂性。Hence the thoughts of nihilism formed Luxun' s profundity and complexity.

这部作品与贝多芬同时期的许多作品一样,诉说着世界的深奥,描绘着来世的理想世界。They exemplify the profundity and otherworldliness of many of his final works.

小学生的这种反应是一切貌似深奥的东西的起因。This response of the school-boy lies at the bottom of all spurious profundity.

这种史学思想的自主性是修氏史学理论的最深刻之处。This autonomy of the historical thought is the profundity of Thucydides' thought.

他的天才并不在于深刻,而在于观察、倾听和幽默。His gift is less for profundity than for observation, for listening and for comedy.

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深入浅出是此课程的主要教学方法。The main teaching method of the course is to explain the profundity in simple terms.

他建立一个世俗的南非荷神话是呼应了深刻的社会现实主义。He builds an Afrikaner mythology of mundanity that echoes a realism of social profundity.

思维会受到复杂课题的吸引,这些课题还跟深邃的情绪起回响。The mind is attracted to complex issues which resound with profundity and emotional depth.

可是在这个泪眼婆娑的时刻,我实在太没用,找不到一句情深意浓的话语。But in this moment of tearful plight, words of profundity abandoned me like a worn-out shoe.

基督的肉体复活教义在这点上显示了相当的深刻性。TheChristian dogma oftheresurrection of the body shows considerable profundity on this point.

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不再因无法控制的抽泣而来回起伏时,形式了的悲伤有着特殊的深刻性。Formed grief, while not heaving to and fro with uncontrollable sobs, has a peculiar profundity.

两国关系无论是在深度或广度上都进入了一个新的发展阶段。Bilateral relations have entered a new stage of development both in terms of profundity and broadth.

带有某种哲学思想或追求,所具有的深刻性。It's got that kind of air of profundity about it that philosophy's thought to have or aspires to have.