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他钓到一条大青鱼。He fished up a big herring.

她的名字是玛格丽特•海岭。Her name was Margaret Herring.

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捡起路上的鱼当晚餐!Pick up herring for dinner along the way!

纳里·赫林沿着沙滩悠闲地走动。Nari Herring walked leisurely along the sand.

从前,有一条青鱼决心要环游世界。A herring once decided to swim right around the world.

海岭闭上眼睛。她又一次失去了意识。Herring closed her eyes. Once more, she was unconscious.

加工过的鱼。烟熏鲱鱼片。规范。Processed fish . smoked herring fillets . specifications.

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搓,只不过是个晃子,是个吸引你注意力的幌子而己。Rub, is a mere Akiko, is attracting you herring and others.

海鹦通常捕食小鱼如青鱼和沙滩鳗鱼。Puffins typically hunt small fish like herring or sand eels.

我喜欢咸鲱鱼,我在西夫韦买一些,但是它却是甜的。I like salty herring. I bought some in Safeway, but it was sweet.

富含omega-3的鱼类包括大马哈鱼、鳟鱼、沙丁鱼和鲱鱼等。Fish rich in omega-3s include salmon, trout, sardines and herring.

尽管云云,海岭还是记不起义故的细节。Even so, Herring still could not recall any details of the accident.

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相对来说,食用鲑鱼,金枪鱼和鲱鱼肉对您的大脑健康更为有利。The best fish to eat for brain health are salmon, tuna, and herring.

Haring是第一个要介绍的,中文的意思是鲱鱼。Haring is must first introduce , Chinese meaning is a pacific herring.

这新事没有过是用去转移母众的重视力的。This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue.

职工代表赫林开门见山地对记者说。Herring straight to the point the staff representatives, told reporters.

三人在靠近纽芬兰葡萄牙小海湾内驾驶着一艘平底海船正在捕捞鲱鱼。The trio went fishing that day for herring in a dory near Portugal Cove.

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三人在靠近纽芬兰葡萄牙小海湾内驾驶着一艘平底海船正在捕捞鲱鱼。The trio went fishing that day for herring in a dory near Portugal Cove.

分辨鳕鱼和黑线鳕则需要大约10个SNP,鲱鱼大约需要30个。Cod and hake each require about ten SNPs, while herring require about 30.

太平洋鲱的鱼鳞沉积速率仅在10594站位集中出现于1890-1900年。The Pacific herring scales were found only in 10594 position in 1890-1900.