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盖子一下弹开了。The lid sprang open.

狮子触动了陷井。The lion sprang a trap.

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他嚎叫一声跳了起来。He sprang up with a howl.

眼泪涌到她的眼眶里。Tears sprang to her eyes.

他从沙发上猛然跳了起来。He sprang up from the sofa.

昨天我把我的台球杆弄弯了。I sprang my cue yesterday.

我的狗向猎物扑去。My dog sprang at the game.

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那只狗朝他的喉部扑上去。The dog sprang at his throat.

老虎向山羊扑去。The tiger sprang on the goat.

球弹起来打在他身上。The ball sprang up and hit him.

那口泉眼泉水喷涌。Water sprang from the fountain.

火焰一下子窜到了天花板。Flames sprang up to the ceiling.

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狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。The lion roared once, and sprang.

一团怒火涌上我的心头。Flames of fury sprang to my heart.

她的双颊一下子涨得通红Blood suddenly sprang to her cheeks.

她轻捷地一纵身向门口跳去。She sprang to the door with alacrity.

给她买那件大衣,我花了400镑。I sprang 400 pounds for her overcoat.

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岂料突然风浪大作。Then suddenly a severe wind sprang up.

芬芳的三叶草冒出了地面。The clover sprang up green and luscious.

他突然出现在她的面前,把她吓了一大跳。She gave a start as he sprang before her.