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中国外向性量表信度、效度指标可靠。CEQ was reliable and valid for measuring the Chinese extraversion characters.

对于社交能力和外向性,被试与他们的朋友们大体上保持一致的看法。For agreeableness and extraversion people were generally in agreement with their friends.

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派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。The effect of expatriate's extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive.

这通常表现为神经过敏、性格缺乏外向和随合的表现。This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness.

实际上有两条完全不同的处世态度,即内向性和外向性。There are two main attitudes which differ fundamentally, namely introversion and extraversion.

神经质和外倾一致被认为是有典型情绪风格的人格特质。Neuroticism is characterized as negative affect and extraversion is regarded as positive affect.

最后,外向性和宜人性对社交偏好均有显著的正向预测作用。At last, Extraversion and Agreeableness can predict positive internet social service significantly.

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他发现那些认为自己幸运的人在外向型性格方面得分更高。He found that those who call themselves lucky score higher on the personality factor of extraversion.

其中外倾性,宜人性是预测大学生竞争态度的稳定因素。And extraversion and agreeableness are the stable factors to the competition attitude of undergraduates.

另一种脑衍生的向神经因子基因标记,就和心理外向性相关相连。A snip located close to the gene that codes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor was associated with extraversion.

艾森克认为,积极的宗教态度与较低的外倾性或较低的精神质有关。Eysenck argued that positive attitudes towards religion would be associated with low extraversion or low psychoticism.

外向是指感受积极的情绪与心情,幷对自己及世界抱持著美好态度的倾向。Extraversion ---The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and the rest of the world.

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均衡组比左脑优势组有更高的外倾性,比右脑优势组有更高的严谨性。The integrated hemispheric group showed more extraversion than the left hemispheric group, and more conscientiousness than the right group.

团队知识分享对外倾性歧异度、严谨性歧异度与团队效能的关系具有中介作用。In addition, team knowledge sharing is a mediator between extraversion diversity, agreeableness elevation and team cooperation satisfaction.

脊柱椎弓根螺钉并横向牵引装置的把持力与外倾角是否也有一定关系?There is little known about the correlation of pullout strength of spinal pedicle screw with device for transverse traction to extraversion angle.

特吉的团队说,他们的发现与其他研究中所表明的这一代人在自信心,外向性和独断性方面的升高是一致的。Twenge's team said their finding was consistent with other research showing generational increases in self-esteem, extraversion and assertiveness.

如果ISFP使用外倾感觉仅是为了支持自己的内倾情感,那根本算不上对外倾感觉有效地运用。If the ISFP uses Extraverted Sensing only to serve the purposes of Introverted Feeling, then the ISFP is not using Extraversion effectively at all.

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本研究的目的是通过实证研究界定外向性的基本内涵,编制中国外向性量表。This paper aims to define the meaning of extraversion of Chinese characters by empirical study, establishing Chinese Cultural Extraversion Questionnaire.

在问卷中,领导者需对自己的外向程度进行评分——即通过言辞、决断力、开朗的性格和主导力能够在多大程度上引导注意力。Leaders were asked to rate their own extraversion -- the degree to which they commanded the center of attention by acting talkative, assertive, outgoing and dominant.

在这五种类型中,开放经验型最能通过前十歌曲传达个性,其次是外向型,情绪稳定型。Of the five traits, it was a person's openness to experience that was best communicated by their top 10 list of songs, followed by extraversion and emotional stability.