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好处是根据您的年龄的死亡时间或支解。The Benefit is based on your age at time of Death or Dismemberment.

感觉身体是丑陋的,这种思维已经不仅是分裂的了。Well, the sense of the body as grotesque goes beyond just dismemberment.

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足趾缺失系指自趾关节以上完全切断。"Loss of toe" means complete dismemberment of toe at or above toe joint.

意外死亡和肢解的好处是删除过程中的活动。The Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit is deleted during the course of the activity.

我不认为孩子们的文化娱乐要用杀戮,故意伤害和分尸来定义。I don't think we want our kids' culture defined by killing, mayhem and dismemberment as entertainment.

意外死亡和肢解的好处是不适用造成的损失的恐怖主义行为。The Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit is not available for losses resulting from an Act of Terrorism.

庄子庖丁解牛的神遇也是一种有别于感性认识的视而不见的视。Chuang-tzu's Supernatural encounter in the story of "dismemberment of ox by Paodin" is also a view without looking.

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旅行期间因意外事故导致的身故、烧伤及残疾,我们将一次性付给保险金。We will pay the insured a lump sum payment in the event of a death, burns or dismemberment as a result of an accident.

而这好消息市长克莱普,除非他是想表达他对谷歌的瓜分利益的支持。And that's good news for the Mayor Clapp , unless he was trying to show his support for Google's dismemberment benefits.

山丘上,遍地都是木乃伊、骷髅、被支解的躯体、随时绊腿的巨大木板和厚毛织物碎片。Hill, the mummies are everywhere, the skeleton was dismemberment of the body, the legs of the trip at any time great thick wool fabric and wood debris.

因此,炼金术的第一步操作就是将它自己分解成受限制的结构,然后迫使它进入一种创造性的混沌里面。The first operation of alchemy therefore addressed itself to the dismemberment of this confining structure and reducing it to a condition of creative chaos.

由于没有大多数人形种族脆弱的重要器官,一个根代人可以承受多重割裂伤,甚至据传在被完全肢解的情况下依然能够存活。Lacking the vulnerable vital organs of most humanoids, a Gen'Dai could sustain multiple lacerations and even, it is rumored, complete dismemberment and yet still survive.

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新时期中国文学的历程是多变的,既有对文学的狂热态度,亦不乏对文学的肢解行为。Lately period , the process of Chinese literature changes much , there's not only the wildly hot attitude to literature , but also the dismemberment behavior of literature.

文中提出的新的网格剖分方法和选择的边界条件可有效地提高计算速度和数值模拟的精度。Third scheme, a new method of network dismemberment and marginal conditions raised by authors can efficiently increase the calculation velocity and precision of numerical simulation.

手指机能的丧失系指自远位指节间关节切断,或自近位指节间关节僵硬或关节不能随意识活动。"Loss of finger function" means complete dismemberment of finger from distal interphalangeal joint or ankylosis from proximal interphalangeal joint or joint unable to move as intended.

而在贝尔格莱德则是一片萧瑟的气氛,经历过漫长而痛苦的前南解体,塞尔维亚人近二十年来屡尝败果,但这次的打击真是太大了。In Belgrade, the mood is bleak. Serbs have tasted defeat many times over the past twenty years, during the slow and painful dismemberment of Yugoslavia, but few moments will hurt as much as this one.