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输入用户和口令。Enter user and password.

密码保留空白。Leave the password blank.

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屏幕还能用密码锁住。Screen lock with password.

请输入正确的登陆密码!Please input your password.

输入系统管理员密码。Enter the sysadmin password.

或者把密码发送到我的邮箱。Or send password to my Email?

请回上页填写密码!Please go back to fill password.

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那就是你的个人密码。That’s your individual password.

再次输入新密码并确认Re-enter the password to confirm.

密码应该是不可见的。The password should be invisible.

尝试解锁一个空口令的账户。Unlocking password for user test.

登出后即可使用新的密码。Log-out and use your new password.

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他打进自己的口令进行注册。He typed in his password to log in.

我看到屏幕上写着请输入"密码"I saw the thing that said password.

密码的最小生存期。The minimum lifetime of a password.

__用你的名字和密码登陆。Log on using your name and password.

为用户提供一个有效的密码。Provide a valid password for the user.

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仅3楼需回帖可见解压密码。Reply and password on 3 floor visible!

我必须要改变我的自动提款卡的密码吗?Will I have to change my ATM password?

您应该选用一个强点的密码。You should choose a stronger password.