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我们需要把冷冻室除霜。NO06, We need to defrost the freezer.

把牛肉从冰箱里拿出来解冻。Take the beef out of the refrigerator to defrost.

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烧烤解冻后墨鱼丸直到熟为止。Defrost cuttlefish ball and grill or barbecue till cooked and serve.

定期给冰箱除霜,以便它能发挥其最高效率。Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency.

冻鸡应彻底解冻后再烹调。A frozen chicken shall be allowed to defrost completely before cooking.

冻鸡应彻底解冻后再烹调。A frozen chicken should be allowed to defrost completely before cooking.

烧烤之前把猪肉和禽肉充分解冻可以使其烤得更均匀。Completely defrost meat and poultry before grilling so it cooks more evenly.

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如果食物要马上烧烤可以用微波解冻。You can microwave defrost if the food will be placed immediately on the grill.

鱼唇丝解冻后再以姜片出水,可辟除腥味。Shark's Lip defrost completely and blanche with ginger water to remove fishiness.

然后我及时把晾冷的饼干放在盘子里,送给我的朋友们。Then I defrost just in time to put together plates and drop them off with my friends.

需要时,解冻,用少量油煎,直到成棕色而且要完全熟透。When required, defrost and fry in a little fat or oil until brown and cooked through.

看看那些东西,如果几亿年不解冻,你就会发现它们。Look at the stuff that you'd find when you don't defrost for a couple of billion years.

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它是双胞胎门以230公升总容量并且有自由的霜除霜系统。It is twin-door with a total capacity of 230 litres and has a frost free defrost system.

但如果一年到头都得除霜的旧式冰箱成为冷静的话,那么我也是这样。But if all the year round to defrost the old refrigerators become calm, so I did the same.

昨天晚上我把所有的虾都冰冻了,今天早上花很长时间才解冻。I froze all the shrimp last night, and it took me a long time to defrost them in the morning.

也许就像一朵被冰霜覆盖的花,它需要被一种力量解冻,重新获得往昔的美丽。Or maybe like a frozen flower, it needs someone to defrost it and regain the original beauty.

你不必给这个冰箱除霜,因为它配有自动除霜器。You do not have to defrost this refrigerator because it is equipped with an automatic defroster.

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不要用流水来解冻冷冻食物,最好将食物放在冰箱里用一个晚上的时间来解冻。Don’t use running water to defrost frozen food. Ideally place food in refrigerator to defrost overnight.

航空服务员跟我说,每架飞机需要15分钟除霜,而我们班机是排行第19!The flight attendants told me that it took 15 minutes to defrost each plane and our plane was the 19th one!

没有自动除霜装置的电冰箱,可用下面方法快速除霜。Device does not automatically defrost refrigerators that can be used the following method is fast defrosting.