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鼓吹可解决失业问题的妙策。Some nostrum peddled as a cure for unemployment.

译对付政治和社会罪恶没有简单的妙方。There is no simple nostrum for political and social evils.

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为马我们的冒险停下后,这398手表。For the Mare Nostrum the adventure stopped after these 398 watches.

北京摄影工作室为您提供一些小妙方你一定用的着。Photography studio provide you with a few small nostrum you must use.

1945年以来,北太平洋几乎一直是美国的“地中海”。Ever since 1945, the North Pacific has been pretty much America’s "mare nostrum."

世上本无万能灵药,欲健康,请来本健美中心试一试。There is no nostrum in the world. To keep FIT, just come to this body-building centre and have a try.

印度已下定决心要将羽翼渐丰的中国海军挡在印度洋外,毕竟印度将之视为“印度之洋”。India is determined to keep China's growing navy out of the Indian Ocean, regarded by Delhi as its Mare Nostrum.

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印度决心把中国呈增长势头的海军力量排除在印度洋之外,德里将此看作“我们的海洋”。India is determined to keep China's growing navy out of the Indian Ocean, regarded by Delhi as its “Mare Nostrum.

除了空间利用外,家具具有多功能用途,也是节省空间的一大妙方。Use besides the space outside, furniture is had muti_function utility, also be the one big nostrum of economic space.

当着顾客的面斥责店员,或夫妻吵架,是赶走顾客的“妙方”。It would be a "nostrum" to drive your customers away by scolding employees or quarrel with your spouse in customer's presence.

不管会发生什么,一直以来稳步上升的受欢迎程度都预旺多姆和旺多姆马对我们这些天来的。No matter what will happen, there has been a steady rise in the popularity of both the pre-Vendome and Vendome Mare Nostrum these days.

即使难以卖出的时候,有传言说玛勒我们的作风计时器即将再度出现,在未来几年。Even though hard to sell at the time, there are persistent rumours that a Mare Nostrum style chronograph is about to re-appear in the coming years.

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共和党人每次都努力破坏总统的提议并将减税奉为能够解决一切的万灵药——但是却从未详述他们将放弃什么服务来为它们买单。Republicans try to undermine the president at every turn and offer their nostrum of tax-cuts-will-solve-everything — without ever specifying what services they’ll give up to pay for them.