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本文试图把超越思想理解为尼采哲学的主旨。I think Nietzschean leitmotiv is the transcending thought.

现在,就让我们狂妄一回,以一种尼采式的姿态来宣布。Now, boldly, let's declare in a Nietzschean manner , that.

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心里。他望着她走掉时,他那尼采式的华厦似乎动摇了,垮塌了。As he watched her go, the Nietzschean edifice seemed to shake and totter.

匍匐在我生命大多数时间的空虚终于升华成尼采式的虚空。The creeping emptiness I had felt most of my life became a full-blown Nietzschean void.

第三,他金黄色的眉毛,总是非常明显,差不多一下子变成了尼采的样子。And, third, his blond eyebrows, always strongly marked, had gone Nietzschean almost overnight.

城市这种隐约的失败提供了一种异常宝贵的机会,一次去“尼采式乐观”的接口。The seeming failure of the urban offers an exceptional opportunity, a pretext for Nietzschean frivolity.

如果你想套用尼采的话,“重新评估“我们关于,善恶最基本的字汇。If you want to use the Nietzschean language, "transvaluation" of our most basic vocabulary about good and evil.

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如果你想套用尼采的话,“重新评估“我们关于,善恶最基本的字汇。If you want to use the Nietzschean language, "transvaluation" of our most basic vocabulary about good and evil.

这里的结论就是,存在即是权力意志。This forms it in, the want to conclusion here is that all being is power being which I think is a Nietzschean thesis.

毕竟你也许是一个真正的尼采主义者,比我想的还要纯粹,这样的话,讲授尼采终归是正确的决定——因为讲授尼采本身就是对听众意志的考验。After all you are perhaps more of a Nietzschean than I thought, and it may after all be right to lecture on Nietzsche — because it is so cruel.

所以是原版的尼采思想启发了我,同时我也受了灵长类动物学的启发,我那时候跟我妻子一起学过灵长类动物学。So it's the authentically Nietzschean idea that inspired me. Also, I was inspired by primatology, which I was studying at that time along with my wife.

比较恰当地说,被庸俗化的尼采思想只是引发了美国人生活中固有的潜在问题,并加速了其固有倾向。It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.

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茅盾以开阔的视野,以“为我所用”的精神借鉴尼采哲学,充分体现了他对于外国文化“穷本溯源”、“取精用宏”的正确态度。With a broad vision, Mao Dun has drawn on Nietzschean philosophy in the spirit of "utilization to my benefit", thereby having fully reflected his correct attitude towards foreign culture.