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台虎钳?。Table vice?

‘哪个桌子’?Which table?

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“插入表”。Insert Table.

围着一个大圆桌?Around a big table?

这张桌子是圆的。The table is round.

桌子光秃秃的。The table was bare.

这张台怎样?Will this table do?

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要桌位好吗?Can we have a table?

我要占那张桌位。I'll grab that table.

我来摸桌子。I'll touch the table.

什么是寿命表What is a life table?

区域台位的分布。Area table map handle.

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你回摆饭桌吗?。Can you set the table?

你把餐桌摆好了没有?Did you set the table?

他挤倒了一张桌子。He had the table over.

我有一个小桌。I have a little table.

这是张又旧又破的桌子。It is a bad old table.

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用户表的名称。Name of the user table.

请收拾桌子。Please cleat the table.

这桌子是纯粹栎木的。The table is solid oak.