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我是威廉姆华莱仕。I am william wallace.

谁是威廉华勒斯?Who was William Wallace?

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华莱士还在马来群岛。Wallace was still in Malaysia.

我封你为威廉姆华莱士爵士。I knight thee Sire William Wallace.

尼科尔华莱士知道她的政治。Nicolle Wallace knows her politics.

华莱士不过是个土匪,不值一提。This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more.

我们以后会了解到更多,华莱士·特内奇的故事More on Wallace Turnage later in the course.

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其中一人便是乔治.华莱士州长。One of those votes was Governor George Wallace.

当地有个名叫马尔克姆华莱士的农民。Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace.

里弗斯说,拉希德-华莱士也已经确定能出赛。Rivers says Rasheed Wallace is also cleared to play.

克莱恩和史蒂文斯有着共同的这些思想。Crane shares these general ideas with Wallace Stevens.

该论文的作者是查尔斯·达尔文和阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士。The authors are Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.

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在1999-2001年里,华莱士总共领到了78次技术犯规。Between 1999-2001, Wallace was hit with 78 technical fouls.

小魔鬼看到计策失败,只好摸摸鼻子回去了。Small devil see Wallace failed, had to touch the nose back.

华莱士快餐加盟者个人资产100万以上。Wallace join the personal assets of more than 1000000 fast food.

“速度,”华莱士说,“这就是我们的武器,对,跑起来打。"Speed, " said Wallace. "That's what we always did, just run 'em.

之后某一天,华莱士被告知,孩子,今天你要被拍卖了And one day, Wallace was told, "Today, boy, you're in the auction."

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即使是拉希德有伤,大本依然能够独当一面。Even with Rasheed Wallace out, he would have been there to do the job.

这些年,我们听说过华莱士·肖恩以前的剧作“丹婶婶和莱蒙”。For years, we heard about Wallace Shawn’s pre-“Aunt Dan and Lemon” plays.

乔治·华莱士声称他将同时为黑种人和白种人创造好的生活。George Wallace spoke of creating a better life for both blacks and whites.