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这似乎是一个古怪而落伍的想法。This may seem a quaintly old-fashioned idea.

现在看来,在2007年才爱上电邮似乎是种奇怪的过时行为。It now seems quaintly old fashioned to be in love withe-mail in 2007.

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笨蛋只能呆在所谓的“美国特殊技能培训所”的收容所里,真的是quaintly called "Institute of Special Trade Skills of America, " the word "special" having to get

嘉莉自己并不知道,但是在她的眉间稍稍出现了一些皱纹,而且她的嘴也很奇特地撅着。Carrie did not know it, but there was the least show of wrinkles between her eyes and her mouth was puckered quaintly.

有谣言说苏格兰最伟大的旅行家早已入乡随俗,并已娶了被奇妙地叫做“非洲妃子”的女人为妻。There were rumors that Scotland's greatest traveler had long gone native and married what was quaintly called an "African princess."

我觉得这是一个不错的选择,用他替换ING来投资快速增长的发展中国家。I think this is a good alternative to ING as a way to invest in the growth of financial markets in what is still so quaintly called the developing world.

这是一款低成本手机,运行业内所谓的2.5G网络,2.5G的网络速度好于慢如蜗牛的2G,但远远不及3G。That is a low-cost device that runs on what the industry quaintly calls 2.5G networks, a step up from the snail's-pace of 2G but well short of 3G speeds.

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显然中国人不明白西方离奇的对精神上无力管好自己事情的人的“社区关照”原则。Clearly the Chinese do not understand the quaintly western principle of "care in the community" for those not mentally capable of dealing with their own affairs.

房间装饰典雅、别致,设备齐全,设计独特,标间中设有专门为参禅者打坐的禅台。With self-contained facilities and novel designs, each guest room is decorated quaintly and each standard room is provided with a meditation seat for guests to practice meditation.

近四十年后,我们继续奇妙地称为“电话,”即使该名称不真棒开始转达他们对他的多功能性突破的后代。Almost forty years later, we continue to quaintly refer to the descendants of his breakthrough as "phones, " even though that name doesn't begin to convey their awesome versatility.

晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。Rays of the morning glow, penetrating the quaintly carved window lattice, little by little, put on a stroke of light make-up in golden yellow for the delicate potted landscapes in the courtyard.