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你会是一位更好的通信员。You're a better communicator.

作为新用户启动通信器。Start Communicator as a new user.

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架构师是一位很好的沟通者The architect is a good communicator

我购买了我的传播者,在慕尼黑国际。I purchased my Communicator at Munich Intl.

变成一个好的沟通者需要两个条件It takes two things to be a great communicator

触摩是强而有力的沟通方式。但要尽量少用。Touch is a powerful communicator. Use it sparingly.

通信器不支持这个文件的版本。The file is a version not supported by Communicator.

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请单击“完成”以创建简要表并启动通信器。Finish to create your profile and start Communicator.

刘是主要的纪律管理者和首席的传达者。Liu is the head disciplinarian and chief communicator.

表情告诉我们传播者的态度。The expressions tell the attitudes of the communicator.

在通信器脱机时,不能移动此消息。This message cannot BE moved while Communicator is offline.

我们将有机会看看美国“伟大的沟通者二世”是否能就此横空出世。We are about to see whether we have the Great Communicator II.

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在运行“简要表管理器”时无法重新启动通信器。Cannot restart communicator while "Profile Manager" is running.

至少必须将一个字段映射为一个有效通信器字段。At least one field must be mapped to a valid communicator field.

不允许同时运行几个“通信器”实例。You cannot run multiple instances of Communicator simultaneously.

做一名交流者意味着这是一条双行道。Being a communicator means recognising that it's a two-way street.

请单击“完成”以创建简要表并启动通信器。Please click Finish to create your profile and start Communicator.

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换句话说,他们必须在变革过程中变成一个好的影响者和沟通者。In another word, they have to be a good influencer and communicator.

视觉接触是引起兴趣的第一种交流,要么就是缺乏兴趣。Eye contact is a primary communicator of interest -- or lack thereof.

动物传意师是如何由动物取得资讯的呢?How does an animal communicator get the information from the animals?