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爱你是如此地美好。the loveliness of loving you.

愿你永保青春魅力。May you keep loveliness and charm.

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悲剧是曲解的美丽。Tragedy is a distortive loveliness.

那些海豹是如此的可爱跟无辜。These seals are so loveliness and harmless.

其实两种班底都有各自的可爱之处.In fact, both casts have their own loveliness.

这般神秘和梦幻般可爱的地方。A place of such mystic and visionary loveliness.

难道您们看不出死亡使生命显得可爱吗?"Don't you see that death gives loveliness to life"?

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于是乎,可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。And , somehow or other , loveliness is infernally sad.

我知道真的是我不能理解这故事的可爱。I know really can't I comprehend the loveliness of the story.

斟满一杯芬芳浓郁的美酒品尝,犹如细细的品味人生的美好。Have wine and taste it, just like relishing loveliness in life.

他正在青春年少,他的内心对于一切迷人而可爱的东西还在温存地搏动。He was in his fresh youth, with soft pulses for all charm and loveliness.

和印度城市相比,中国大城市很是可爱。Compared to Indian cities, China’s major cities are a vision of loveliness.

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一身素雅的颜色让活泼的女孩变得端庄、可爱!The simple but elegant color makes the lively girl civility and loveliness !

她的动作和我见到过的老挝国女人们一样悠闲和可爱。She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos.

星期六我去她宿舍接她,并再一次被她的美丽所倾倒。On Saturday I greeted her at the dorm and was again entranced by her loveliness.

自然的悦人是因其可爱,不掺杂任何物欲之念。Nature satisfies by its loveliness , and without and mixture of corporeal benefit.

因特网的魅力是多彩而且无穷的,但是要有能力去掌控他。The loveliness of Internet is infinitude and colorful, but strengthen to manage it.

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我们感到好像进入了另一个世界,一个充满美丽、和平和可爱的世界。We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness.

这个狗肉暖水袋最可爱之处是。它不会半夜起来穿上裤子回家去。Its biggest loveliness lies in that it won't wear trousers to go home in the middle night.

美丽的东西不需要外在的装饰,天然无雕饰是最好的装饰。——汤姆森。Loveliness , needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most.