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超过了希腊。Move over Greece.

希腊的娈童。The catamites of Greece.

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西班牙和希腊还没有。Spain and Greece have not.

在希腊她们说希腊文。In Greece they speak Greek.

这是希腊的头条新闻。It was headline news in Greece.

因此,爱尔兰经济不同于希腊。So its economy is unlike Greece.

闪电击中希腊卡瓦拉。Lightning strikes Kavala, Greece.

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这也是希腊加入进来的原因。This is where Greece may come in.

这团被派驻在希腊。The regiment is stationed in Greece.

但古希腊地形并非如此That was not the Greece of antiquity.

敏敏要去古巴、日本和希腊。Min want to go Cuba, Japan and Greece.

女像柱,雅典卫城,雅典,希腊。Caryatids, The Acropolis, Athens, Greece.

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希腊可能要减半其债务负担。Greece may have to halve its debt burden.

希腊地区再也没有出现过这样的文化Greece never sees anything like it again.

在借钱多年之后,希腊负债累累。After years of borrowing, Greece is in debt.

遗址博物馆,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。Agora Museum, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.

其他猜测是在希腊和凯撒利亚。Other guesses have been Greece and Caesarea.

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希腊东部一城市,北邻爱琴海。A city of eastern Greece near the Aegean Sea.

在古罗马和希腊,女人和男人穿的是长达膝盖的束腰外衣。In Rome and Greece women and men wore tunics.

埃及文化哺育了克里特和希腊。Egyptian culture inseminated Crete and Greece.