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是在为西汉姆和巴恩斯利的比赛进的,我和里奥费迪南德跳了个难看的舞…It was against Barnsley for West Ham and I did a very embarrassing dance with Rio Ferdinand.

和巴恩斯利的比赛后他告诉我继续努力,吧注意力放在欧冠比赛上。他很支持我。After Barnsley he said 'come on, keep focused on the Champions League' – he's very supportive.

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在上赛季三个月巴恩斯利租借期中,哈米尔给戴维留下深刻的印象。Hammill made a good impression on Davey during a three-month loan spell with Barnsley last season.

拉法贝尼特斯承认周六对阵巴恩斯利上托雷斯会冒很大的风险。Rafa Benitez admits it could be too much of a risk to select Fernando Torres against Barnsley on Saturday.

丹尼。喝水参加了巴恩斯利5-3战胜加迪夫的进球大战。Danny Drinkwater was involved in an eight-goal thriller as Barnsley lost 5-3 to Cardiff in the Championship.

在向利物浦报价边锋亚当-汉密尔后,巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维正在等待利物浦方面的回应。Barnsley boss Simon Davey is awaiting a response from Liverpool after making an offer for winger Adam Hammill.

巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维斯已经表示签下利物浦年轻边翼亚当-哈米尔是一次意外的收获。Barnsley boss Simon Davey has hailed the signing of young winger Adam Hammill from Liverpool as a 'great coup'.

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奥维马斯在接连缴获利兹联和西汉姆,在巴恩斯利打进一个重要进球,奖杯已经触手可及。Overmars followed braces against Leeds and West Ham with a vital strike at Barnsley as silverware loomed large.

巴恩斯利已经为汉密尔提交了一份报价,戴维希望这份报价能够达到利物浦俱乐部的要求。Barnsley have now tabled a bid for Hammill and Davey is hoping that their bid meets the Anfield outfit's valuation.

利物浦边锋亚当-哈米尔需要在安菲尔德证明自己,但是也不排除下赛季回到巴恩斯利。Liverpool winger Adam Hammill wants to prove himself at Anfield, but has not ruled out a return to Barnsley next season.

这位现年19岁的中场球员在周六对巴恩斯利的比赛中继续着风一般的表现,并打入一粒精彩的倒勾球。The 19-year-old midfielder is in blistering form and scored against Barnsley on Saturday with a wonderful overhead kick.

尽管巴恩斯利及布里斯托城等低级别球队仍在参加下一轮足总杯比赛,但是鲁尼更渴望在下轮遇上格兰特的切尔西。Minnows Barnsley and Bristol City remain in the competition, but Rooney would prefer a tussle with Avram Grant's Chelsea.

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巴恩斯利主教练西蒙-戴维斯已经透露已经接近于签下利物浦的亚当-哈米尔和奥尼尔-汤普森。Barnsley manager Simon Davey has revealed the Championship club are on the verge of landing Adam Hammill and O'Neil Thompson.

在星期六巴2比0战胜恩斯利,恩戈已经开始利物浦之旅,他得到67分钟的上场时间。Ngoo made a winning start to life with Liverpool after playing 67 minutes of the under-18s' 2-0 victory over Barnsley on Saturday.

我真的非常享受在巴恩斯利的时光,这可能是我最好的租借生涯,我真的会考虑重新回到那里。I really enjoyed my time with Barnsley. It was probably one of the best loan spells I've had. I'd really consider going back there.

我不想从一场比赛中解读太多,但加布里埃尔。奥贝坦在联赛杯的处子秀还是很不错的。I don't want to go overboard after one game, but Gabriel Obertan's debut in the Carling Cup victory over Barnsley was full of promise.

他在禁区内拿球不多,他观察门将和后卫的位置,然后以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势射门,就像对巴恩斯利的那个球。He doesn't take many touches in the box, he catches the keeper off-guard with quickfire shots – just like he did for his goal at Barnsley.

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牙买加国脚汤普森季前赛在巴恩斯利表现出色,他即将于哈米尔在48小时之内加盟巴恩斯利。Jamaica international Thompson shone during pre-season at Barnsley and is poised to be unveiled, along with Hammill, in the next 48 hours.

曼联前锋威廉。基恩也射中过立柱。虽然上半时是0-0,但曼联占据了较大的优势。Reds forward William Keane hit a post, as did Barnsley in a half that ended 0-0 but should have seen United take advantage of superior chances.

上周六在巴恩斯利的事件中,13岁的的男孩被他的欧宝雅特轮椅卡住了一个小时,最后终于解救了出来。The 13-year-old was stuck in his wheelchair under the Vauxhall Astra for an hour before he was freed, during the incident in Barnsley on Saturday.