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双方没有签署和平条约来结束战争,只是签订了一个停战协定。Neither side signed a peace treaty to end the war, only an armistice

双方都没有签署和平条约来结束战争,只有一个停战协议。Neither side signed a peace treaty to end the war, only an armistice.

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迄今尚未达成全面的和平协议以取代1953年的停战协定。No comprehensive peace agreement has replaced the 1953 armistice pact.

一些国家把这一天定为休战日或荣军纪念日。Some countries observe November 11th as Armistice Day or RemembranceDay.

马其诺防线堡垒里顽强的坚守者一直没有停止战斗,直到二战停战。The crews of the unconquered Maginot forts held out until the armistice.

一些国家把这一天视为休战纪念日或荣军纪念日。Some countries observe November 11th as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day.

三年后,罗马尼亚被前苏联入侵,并签署了休战协议。Three years later, Romania was overrun by the Soviets and signed an armistice.

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但至少,停战意味着那些原本要死的人逃过一劫。But at least an armistice will mean that men who would have died will now live.

那些中国人被指责在停战后兽性大发的几个月里犯下多项罪行。The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice.

要想恢复自己,你的工作就是要把潜在问题挖掘出来,和它签订停火协定。Your job in recovery is to try to dig that up and sign an armistice treaty with it.

北韩还扬言要废除1953年终止朝鲜战争的停火协定。North Korea also threatened to nullify the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War.

按照停战协定的规定,翌年召开了政治会议。A political conference was held the following year, as provided in the armistice agreement.

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在1590年停战期满后,露西亚军队挥师收复失地。After the term of the armistice expired in 1590, Russian troops moved in to take them back.

南韩总统李承晚拒绝签署但是保证将对停战状况保持观察。Syngman Rhee, president of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice.

双方从未正式结束交战,仅以1953年签订的一项停火协议中止了这场战争。The two sides never formally ended the resulting war, which was halted by an armistice in 1953.

后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了“神圣休战月”条约。Afterward the Sparta king and the Elis king has signed " the sacred armistice month " the treaty.

停战后,军中俱乐部已没有存在的必要了,因此解散了。After the Armistice the service society no longer had the raison d' etre and there fore disbanded.

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1938年,国会将停战日确定为法定假日以支持世界和平事业。In 1938, Congress designated Armistice Day a legal holiday, dedicated to the cause of world peace.

第一个条件,由于停战协定的,是完全废除该条约。One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty.

朝鲜政府随后宣布1953年签署的朝鲜战争停战协定无效。Subsequently, the DPRK Government announced the Korean War Armistice Agreement signed in 1953 now void.