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诚实是一种美德。Honesty is a virtue.

她的诚实打动了他。Her honesty got to him.

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他想要信任和真诚。He wants trust and honesty.

诚实才是上策。Honesty is the best policy.

诚实是上上之策。Honesty is the best policy.

老实是上上之策。Honesty is the arest policy.

你可以信赖他的诚实可靠。You can build on his honesty.

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诚信也就是讲信用。Honesty and credit is to speak.

火鸡赦免仪式上的诚实Honesty at the Turkey Pardoning

没有能否认他的诚实。No one can gainsay his honesty.

我们可以保证他的诚实。We can certify for his honesty.

我对他的诚实绝不怀疑。I would never question his honesty.

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无法否认他是诚实的。There is no gainsaying his honesty.

不要对我的诚实诽谤中伤…Don't cast aspersions on my honesty.

我绝对信任他的忠实可靠。I confide absolutely in his honesty.

她考验她男朋友的诚实。She tested her boy friend's honesty.

诚实已成了她的习性。Honesty is engrafted in her character.

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诚实一经典当,即永不可赎。Honesty once pawned is never redeemed.

欺诈可能有用,老实却是上策。Knavery may serve but honesty is best.

欺诈可能有用,诚实却是上策。Knavery may serve,but honesty is best.