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于是他编造了一个残忍的计划,以诱骗她支付。So he concocted a fiendish scheme to trick her into paying.

杜库以提拉诺斯的身分,推动西帝邪恶计谋的下一阶段。As Tyranus, Dooku put into motion the next phase of Sidious' fiendish plot.

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回答我的是穿过这静寂夜空的一阵尖厉而恶魔似的狂笑。I was answered through the stillness of night by a loud and fiendish laugh.

和野蛮人不同,炼狱狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。Unlike a Barbarian, however, a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging.

他面颊上的长疤令他看起来很凶恶,但是他却很善良。A long scar across his cheek makes him look fiendish but he is very good-natured.

随后是恶魔般的日本人,他们拥有了不起的复印机、照相机和汽车。Then came the fiendish Japanese with their marvellous photocopiers and cameras and cars.

我们提供的4名日本奸计Fiendish口袋拼图不同的难度水平。We're offering four different difficulty levels of the Fiendish Japanese Pocket Puzzles.

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四海有名称混世,西方大力号魔王。The great-hearted has the name "mix the world", the western vigorously number fiendish person.

每天我都向我那黑暗的炼狱主宰祈祷,希望他没发现我们已经没有碎糖末了。Every day I pray to my dark fiendish overlords that he doesn't learn that we're out of sprinkles.

恶魔王子们通常会饲养一些强有力的炼狱种狂暴龙兽,并用于他们的深渊军队中。Demon princes often breed powerful fiendish versions of rage drakes to use in their Abyssal armies.

这种残忍的刑罚很少被实施,但这仍然是中国发明的众多死刑中的一种。This fiendish punishment is seldom resorted to, and has created great excitement among the Chinese.

当我离开日内瓦的时候,我的第一次努力是获得一些线索,通过它我可以找到凶狠的敌人。When I quitted Geneva my first labour was to gain some clue by which I might trace the steps of my fiendish enemy.

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虽然有着漫长而痛苦的回答这个恶魔问题的经历,我至今还未发现正确的回答。In my long, painful experience of trying to answer this fiendish question, I have yet to work out the correct response.

第一波震惊才刚刚松开它钳住我的邪恶的双手,我却又不禁发现帕特里克还未跟我联系。When the first wave of shock released me from its fiendish grip, I couldn't help but notice that Paddy hadn't called me.

战时,民间普遍流传,这种恶魔般的精灵经常在空中撕毁战斗机。The fiendish sprites were often described tearing apart fighter craft in flight in the folklore that spread during the war years.

两个恶魔联合起来召集了大量凶恶的随从,试图占据出现的国度,开始向周围地区发起攻击。Together they are building vast armies of fiendish minions to overtake the Merged Realms, and begin attacking the surrounding areas.

影子勇者们再次踏上了打到魔王的旅程,并在这次旅途中结识了更多拥有影之力的朋友。Shadow brave stepped once more has projected on fiendish person's journey, and knew in this journey had strength of the shade friend.

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然而有一些动物是属于天界的或魔界的,因而属于善良或邪恶的阵营,对我来说也都可以理解。Then there are a bunch of animals that are Celestial or Fiendish , giving them Good or Evil alignments, and that all seems fine to me, too.

敲击或者重金属音乐可以随意获得,虽然更利害的音乐恐吓者可能甚至选择试验爵士乐或者马耳他民乐。Rap and heavy metal musicisfreely available though more fiendish musical terroriser might even choose experimental jazz or Maltese folk music.

说唱和重金属音乐可以随意获取,然而那些更恶劣的音乐恐怖分子甚至会选择实验性爵士乐或者马耳他民歌。Rap and heavy metal music is freely available though more fiendish musical terrorizer might even choose experimental jazz or Maltese folk music.